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Automated Lighting, Second Edition: The Art and Science of Moving Light in Theatre, Live Performance, and Entertainment
Automated Lighting, Second Edition: The Art and Science of Moving Light in Theatre, Live Performance, and Entertainment

Late last year, in 2008, I was fi nishing work on another book called Electricity for the Entertainment Electrician & Technician when Danielle Monroe, one of the many wonderful people at Focal Press, sent me an email. Almost as an afterthought—one of those oh-by-the-ways—she mentioned that we should start work on...

My iPad
My iPad

Covers iPad Wi-Fi and 3G



instructions with callouts to iPad photos that show you exactly what to do.



The Social Media Business Equation
The Social Media Business Equation

My journey down the social media road began years ago, and many people have praised me for my foresight and brilliance. They are very kind, but the truth is, what really took me down this road was desperation. A few years ago—perhaps you remember—the economy took a heck of a dip. On its way down, it punched me in the...

The Architecture of Computer Hardware, Systems Software, & Networking: An Information Technology Approach
The Architecture of Computer Hardware, Systems Software, & Networking: An Information Technology Approach

The modern world offers lots of readily available online resources for learning. Wikipedia, Google, news sources, millions of Web sites and blogs, even YouTube, offer access to information in nearly any subject that triggers your curiosity and interest. Nonetheless, I continue to believe that for deep understanding of something, nothing...

Manager's Guide to Social Media (Briefcase Books Series)
Manager's Guide to Social Media (Briefcase Books Series)


Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have changed everything. Some managers fear their employees will waste entire days using online social media. Smart managers, though, understand that social media is a powerful tool for engaging customers and growing...

Community-Built Databases: Research and Development
Community-Built Databases: Research and Development

Communities have built collections of information in a collaborative manner for centuries. Around 250 years ago, more than 140 people wrote l’Encyclopedie in 28 volumes with 70,000 articles. More recently, Wikipedia has demonstrated how collaborative efforts can be a powerful method of building a massive data storage. It is...

Semantic Web Services
Semantic Web Services

All students interested in researching the Internet are living in very interesting and exciting times. From the Internet’s beginning in the 1960s up to the present day, the Internet has grown to become a vast platform where there are now 2 billion users of this global infrastructure.1 Predictions are that this number will rise to...

My Motorola Atrix 4G
My Motorola Atrix 4G

Step-by-step instructions with callouts to Motorola Atrix 4G photos so that you can see exactly what to do


Help when you run into Motorola Atrix 4G problems or limitations



iPhone and iPad Apps Marketing: Secrets to Selling Your iPhone and iPad Apps (2nd Edition) (Que Biz-Tech)
iPhone and iPad Apps Marketing: Secrets to Selling Your iPhone and iPad Apps (2nd Edition) (Que Biz-Tech)

Over the past three years, I have witnessed something

remarkable as iPhone and iPad developers have created and posted apps to Apple’s App Store at a breathtaking pace. The App Store has swelled to more than 400,000 apps and still shows no signs of abating. The gold rush to sell iPhone and
Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice the recent serious decline in the publishing of computer books, to say nothing of computer magazines. I enjoy reading books about software and visit the nearby Barnes and Noble at least twice a month. During the last three years the number of bookcases dedicated to computer books...
Adobe Premiere Elements 10 Classroom in a Book
Adobe Premiere Elements 10 Classroom in a Book

Adobe Premiere Elements 10 Classroom in a Book is the most thorough and comprehensive way for you to master all the new features in Adobe's top-rated consumer-targeted video-editing software. Each chapter in this step-by-step, project-based guide contains a project that builds on your growing knowledge of the program, while...

My iPad 2 (covers iOS 5) (3rd Edition)
My iPad 2 (covers iOS 5) (3rd Edition)

The iPad is a unique and totally revolutionary device in many ways. The iPad is a tablet computer featuring multi-touch interaction with print, video, photo, and audio multimedia, internet browsing, and runs most iPhone OS apps. The device has an LED-backlit 9.7-inch (25 cm) color LCD display and uses a virtual keyboard...

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