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Auditing: A Risk-Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit (with ACL CD-ROM)


Prepare yourself for the dramatic changes in today's auditing environment by using Johnstone/Gramling/Rittenberg's AUDITING: A RISK-BASED APPROACH TO CONDUCTING QUALITY AUDITS, 9th EDITION. This newest edition reflects the clarified auditing standards and the newest PCAOB standards, discusses COSO's updated Internal Control-Integrated Framework, integrates discussion of fraud risk throughout the text, and features entirely new and significantly revised end-of-chapter homework problems.

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Quattro Pro X3
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Quattro Pro X3
More and more people are learning the advantages of using Corel's Quattro Pro over other spreadsheet applications.  If you have joined their ranks, this book is for you! Absolute Beginner's Guide to Quattro Pro X3 is endorsed by Corel, and offers a straight-forward, no-nonsense approach to the...
Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary
Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary
Webster’s New World Telecom Dictionary, by Ray Horak, is a comprehensive telecommunications dictionary of more than 7,500 terms critical to understanding voice, data, video, and multimedia communications system and network technologies, applications, and regulation. Given the convergence of computing and communications, the book also...
Out of Joint: A Private and Public Story of Arthritis (American Lives)
Out of Joint: A Private and Public Story of Arthritis (American Lives)
She begins, in the morning, by casing her joints: Can her ankles take the stairs? Will her fingers open a jar? Peel an orange? But it was not always this way for Mary Felstiner, who went to bed one night an active professional and healthy young mother, and woke the next morning literally out of joint. With wrists and elbows no longer...

XML Primer Plus
XML Primer Plus
Undoubtedly, you've heard of Extensible Markup Language, commonly known as XML. You may have even seen some of it, though you might not have been aware of it at the time. One thing's fairly certain, however: You'll be seeing a lot more of it in the future.

My certainty is based on the fact that XML is beginning to spread at a pace that
The Architecture of Cognition: Rethinking Fodor and Pylyshyn's Systematicity Challenge (MIT Press)
The Architecture of Cognition: Rethinking Fodor and Pylyshyn's Systematicity Challenge (MIT Press)

In 1988, Jerry Fodor and Zenon Pylyshyn challenged connectionist theorists to explain the systematicity of cognition. In a highly influential critical analysis of connectionism, they argued that connectionist explanations, at best, can only inform us about details of the neural substrate; explanations at the cognitive level must be classical...

Domain Architectures : Models and Architectures for UML Applications
Domain Architectures : Models and Architectures for UML Applications
The last two decennia have witnessed many advances in the area of software
development. The advent of object-oriented programming languages and modelling
languages such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) has increased our ability
as developers to design and realize large and enterprise-wide software systems.
However, software
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