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Blockchain for 5G-Enabled IoT: The new wave for Industrial Automation

This book addresses one of the most overlooked practical, methodological, and moral questions in the journey to secure and handle the massive amount of data being generated from smart devices interactions: the integration of Blockchain with 5G-enabled IoT. After an overview, this book discusses open issues and challenges, which may hinder the growth of Blockchain technology. Then, this book presents a variety of perspectives on the most pressing questions in the field, such as: how IoT can connect billions of objects together; how the access control mechanisms in 5G-enabled industrial environment works; how to address the real-time and quality-of-service requirements for industrial applications; and how to ensure scalability and computing efficiency. Also, it includes a detailed discussions on the complexity of adoption of Blockchain for 5G-Enabled IoT and presents comparative case studies with respect to various performance evaluation metrics such as scalability, data management, standardization, interoperability and regulations, accessibility, human-factors engineering and interfaces, reliability, heterogeneity, and QoS requirements. This book acts as a professional guide for the practitioners in information security and related topics.
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Physics of Semiconductor Devices is a textbook aimed at college undergraduate and graduate teaching. It covers both basic classic topics such as energy band theory and the gradual-channel model of the MOSFET as well as advanced concepts and devices such as MOSFET short-channel effects, low-dimensional devices and single-electron transistors. As a...
Plone 3 Theming
Plone 3 Theming
Themes are among the most powerful features that can be used to customize a web site, especially in Plone. Using custom themes can help you brand your site for a particular corporate image; it ensures standards compliance and creates easily navigable layouts. But most Plone users still continue to use default themes as developing and deploying...
Control in Robotics and Automation (Academic Press Series in Engineering)
Control in Robotics and Automation (Academic Press Series in Engineering)
Control in Robotics and Automation has been written to meet the rapidly growing need for sensor-based integration to solve problems in the control and planning of robotic systems. Applications of these control methods range from assembly tasks in industrial automation to material handling in hazardous environments and servicing tasks in space....

Spandrels of Truth
Spandrels of Truth
Among the various conceptions of truth is one according to which "is true" is a transparent, entirely see-through device introduced for only practical (expressive) reasons. This device, when introduced into the language, brings about truth-theoretic paradoxes (particularly, the notorious Liar and Curry paradoxes). The options for dealing...
Oracle SQL: the Essential Reference
Oracle SQL: the Essential Reference
SQL (Structured Query Language) is the heart of a relational database management system. It's the language used to query the database, to create new tables in the database, to update and delete database fields, and to set privileges in the database. Oracle SQL: The Essential Reference is for everyone who needs to access an Oracle...
Sex with the Queen: 900 Years of Vile Kings, Virile Lovers, and Passionate Politics
Sex with the Queen: 900 Years of Vile Kings, Virile Lovers, and Passionate Politics

In this follow-up to her bestselling Sex with Kings, Eleanor Herman reveals the truth about what goes on behind the closed door of a queen's boudoir. Impeccably researched, filled with page-turning romance, passion, and scandal, Sex with the Queen explores the scintillating sexual lives of some of our most...

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