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Business Intelligence and Agile Methodologies for Knowledge-Based Organizations: Cross-Disciplinary Applications

Business intelligence is made possible by the existence of Information Technology. Business intelligence aims to support better business decision-making. To use agile methodologies and to develop Information Technology faster and cheaper is to put an icing on the cake. I doubt that Hans Peter Luhn was aware of the consequences of Business intelligence when he coined the term in 1958. Today, 50 years later, “Business Intelligence and Agile Methodologies for Knowledge-Based Organizations: Cross-Disciplinary Applications” is coming out.

The book is comprised of fifteen chapters and is a collaboration work of 29 scholars from 8 different countries and 11 different research organizations. The end product is made possible by the use of the impossible ideas dreamt by visionaries, where the first two chapters discuss the body of knowledge of both business intelligence & agile software, followed by chapter 3 and 4, which discuss knowledge management and discovery in relation to agility essence. Subsequently, Business intelligence agile methodologies, agile modeling, agile approach, and governance are discussed in chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8. Business intelligence & adaptive software development are covered in chapter 9, followed by chapter 10, which covers yahoo experience in brand lifting. Throughout the next three chapters, the authors tackle issues like: risk management in business intelligence and agile methodology, business intelligence governance in e-government system, and business intelligence in higher education. Ultimately, the last chapter discusses Web engineering and business intelligence.

Business intelligence applications are of vital importance as they help organizations manage, develop, and communicate intangible assets such as information and knowledge. Organizations that have undertaken business intelligence initiatives have benefited from increases in revenue, as well as significant cost savings.

Business Intelligence and Agile Methodologies for Knowledge-Based Organizations: Cross-Disciplinary Applications highlights the marriage between business intelligence and knowledge management through the use of agile methodologies. Through its fifteen chapters, this book offers perspectives on the integration between process modeling, agile methodologies, business intelligence, knowledge management, and strategic management.

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