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Computational Intelligence and Pattern Analysis in Biology Informatics (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics)


An invaluable tool in Bioinformatics, this unique volume providesboth theoretical and experimental results, and describes basicprinciples of computational intelligence and pattern analysis whiledeepening the reader's understanding of the ways in which theseprinciples can be used for analyzing biological data in anefficient manner.

This book synthesizes current research in the integration ofcomputational intelligence and pattern analysis techniques, eitherindividually or in a hybridized manner. The purpose is to analyzebiological data and enable extraction of more meaningfulinformation and insight from it. Biological data for analysisinclude sequence data, secondary and tertiary structure data, andmicroarray data. These data types are complex and advanced methodsare required, including the use of domain-specific knowledge forreducing search space, dealing with uncertainty, partial truth andimprecision, efficient linear and/or sub-linear scalability,incremental approaches to knowledge discovery, and increased leveland intelligence of interactivity with human experts and decisionmakers

  • Chapters authored by leading researchers in CI in biologyinformatics.
  • Covers highly relevant topics: rational drug design; analysisof microRNAs and their involvement in human diseases.
  • Supplementary material included: program code and relevant datasets correspond to chapters.
Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Sixth Edition
Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Sixth Edition

For many years, various editions of Smallman's Modern Physical Metallurgy have served throughout the world as a standard undergraduate textbook on metals and alloys. In 1995, it was rewritten and enlarged to encompass the related subject of materials science and engineering and appeared under the title Metals & Materials: Science,...

Photoshop Elements 3 For Dummies
Photoshop Elements 3 For Dummies
Do you want to rearm Venus de Milo, shave Uncle Harry’s beard, or turn gray skies to blue? Have at it with PhotoshopElements 3 For Dummies, your guide to enhancing the effect, fixing the flaws, or adding artistic effects to your photos. You’ll discover how to:
  • Import and organize your photos
  • ...
Apple Motion 5 Cookbook
Apple Motion 5 Cookbook

With this book you'll be able to fully exploit the fantastic features of Apple Motion. There are over 110 recipes with downloadable content for each chapter and stacks of screenshots. A video editor's dream.


  • Easy to follow, hands-on instructions that simplify the learning process
  • ...

A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language
A Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems Modeling Language
Systems engineering is a multidisciplinary approach for developing solutions to complex problems. The increase in system complexity is demanding more rigorous and formalized systems engineering practices. In response to this demand, along with advancements in computer technology, the practice of systems engineering is...
Foundations of CentOS Linux: Enterprise Linux On the Cheap
Foundations of CentOS Linux: Enterprise Linux On the Cheap

You need to maintain clients, servers and networks, while acquiring new skills. Foundations of Cent OS Linux: Enterprise Linux On the Cheap covers a free, unencumbered Linux operating system within the Red Hat lineage, but it does not assume you have a Red Hat Enterprise Linux license. Now you can learn CentOS Linux, the most powerful...

The Caucasus - An Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series)
The Caucasus - An Introduction (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series)

The Caucasus is one of the most complicated regions in the world: with many different peoples and political units, differing religious allegiances, and frequent conflicts, and where historically major world powers have clashed with each other. Until now there has been no single book for those wishing to learn about this complex region. This book...

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