For customers interested in Linux who are seeking powerful and reliable servers to support their applications, IBM® eServer pSeries® offers 64-bit POWER systems to match their requirements at lower costs. Unlike other servers supporting solely high performance Linux needs, IBM eServer pSeries provides leadership price/performance with high reliability and a roadmap to provide the customer with investment protection.
This IBM Redbook provides information and guidelines on how to deploy Linux on IBM eServer pSeries clusters. Topics covered include:
System installation
System administration
Linux for pSeries RAS and problem determination
Cluster Systems Management (CSM)
Getting started with GPFS
High Performance Computing case studies
Commercial application case studies
This redbook also includes hints and tips that illustrate particular observations discovered during the residency. Additional reference materials and Web sites have been included as well, to provide the reader with other sources of information necessary to implement Linux on pSeries clusters.
Note that this document is not a replacement for the IBM product manuals on this topic; instead, it is intended as an additional informational deskside tool to help technical professionals understand, architect, deploy, and manage Linux on pSeries clusters.