Just about everyone involved in electronics has experienced the frustration of searching for the particular power supply, temperature control circuit, or audio power amplifier circuit that exactly fills a need. The Encyclopedia of Electronics Circuits, Volume 1 has changed all that. Volume 1 of this outstanding pair includes more than 1,300 individual circuits, divided into nearly 100 categories. Tinkerers and hobbyists will use the book to find fun-to-build and useful circuits for their projects. Professional design and development engineers will find the book as a wellspring of good ideas and information. Everyone will consider it to be an indispensable part of a good electronics library. |
Waste Treatment in the Process IndustriesIncreasing demand on industrial capacity has, as an unintended consequence, an accompanying increase in harmful and hazardous wastes. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive reference on the technologies and strategies available for waste treatment in specific industries, four esteemed editors gathered to produce the highly popular Handbook of... | | Microsoft Windows Vista: Visual QuickStart GuideThis fast-paced, no-fluff book teaches you the basics of Microsoft Windows Vista and includes tips, shortcuts, and workarounds for Windows veterans as well as new users, whether you're using the Home, Business, Enterprise, or Ultimate edition of Vista. You'll find step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots that guide you through... | | |