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Enterprise Content Management with Microsoft SharePoint


Solve your content management problems efficiently with Microsoft SharePoint

Meet the challenges of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) head on, using rich ECM features in SharePoint 2013. Led by two ECM experts, you’ll learn how to build a solid information architecture (IA) for managing documents, knowledge, web content, digital assets, records, and user-generated content throughout your organization. With examples and case studies based on the authors’ real-world experience, this practical book is ideal for CIOs, marketing executives, project managers, and enterprise architects.

Discover how to:

  • Design a scalable, easy-to-use content management repository
  • Build an ECM team with specific project governance roles
  • Gain stakeholder support for project and change management
  • Foster user adoption by clarifying general IA concepts
  • Organize content using SharePoint records management tools
  • Configure content types, managed metadata, and site settings
  • Examine processes for managing paper-driven vs. digital content
  • Apply best practices for deploying SharePoint ECM features
  • Support risk management and compliance regulations

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