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Evaluating Impact: Evaluation and Continual Improvement for Performance Improvement Professionals


Evaluating Impact: Evaluation and Continual Improvement for Performance Improvement Practitioners by Ingrid Guerra-López, Ph.D. Evaluation takes enormous time, money and resources. So, why do we go through all the trouble? Because the ultimate goal is to create positive change and that s where this practical book comes in. Evaluating Impact uses a common-sense approach to conducting data-driven evaluations that are simple and efficient and deliver the improved and measurable performance you want. This is the sixth in the Defining and Delivering Successful Professional Practice HPT in Action series of six books on defining and delivering measurable performance improvement. Learn how to let the evaluation purpose drive the questions you ask, set the stage for deciding what data to collect and how to collect it, and make sense of the data so your recommendations are justifiable. A clearly written resource that breaks down the evaluation process into seven easy steps You ll learn how to: Decide whether or not to evaluate Plan and align evaluations to your goals Use complete and relevant data to make recommendations about how to improve performance Collect data about performance and identify what has worked and what hasn t Analyze and organize data to support your conclusions Prepare and deliver a report that communicates your findings Support change and continual improvement by monitoring performance Plus, you ll find the case study at the end of each chapter illuminating and useful as you begin your next evaluation project.

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About the Author

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