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Interaction Design

Interaction Design, 9780471492788 (0471492787), John Wiley & Sons, 2002

INTERACTION DESIGN: BEYOND HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION is an up-to-date exposition of the design of the current and next generation interactive technologies, such as the Web, mobiles, and wearables. These exciting new technologies bring additional challenges for designers and developers-challenges that require careful thought and a disciplined approach.

Written for both students and practitioners from a broad range of backgrounds, this book addresses these challenges using a practical and refreshing approach. The text covers a wide range of issues , topics, and paradigms that go beyond the traditional scope of human-computer interaction (HCI). A central focus is how to design interactive products that enhance and extend the way people communicate, interact and work.

The book is an ideal resource for learning the interdisciplinary skills needed for Interaction Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Information Design and Web Design. It:

  • Explains how to use design and evaluation techniques for developing successful interactive technologies;
  • Demonstrates, through many examples, the cognitive, social and affective issues that underpin the design of these technologies;
  • Provides thought-provoking design dilemmas and interviews with expert designers and researchers;
  • Uses a strong pedagogical format to foster understanding and enjoyment;
  • Adopts an accessible conversational style of writing that will appeal to students and professionals alike.
  • The authors have an impressive track record of writing about this field. They come from a broad range of backgrounds and have experience of working in academia, industry and corporations.

About the Author

The authors are all senior academics with a background in teaching, researching, and consulting in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe. Having worked together on two other successful text books, they bring considerable experience in curriculum development, using a variety of made for distance learning as well as face-to-face teaching. They have considerable knowledge of creating learning texts and websites that motivate and support learning for a range of students.

All three authors are specialists in interaction design and human-computer interaction(HCI). In addition they bring skills from other disciplines. Yvonne Rogers is a cognitive scientist, Helen Sharp is a software engineer, and Jenny Preece works in information systems. Their complementary knowledge and skills enable them to cover the breadth of concepts in interaction design and HCI to produce an interdisciplinary text and website.. They have collaborated closely, supporting and commenting upon each other's work to produce a high degree of integration of ideas with one voice. They have shared everything from initial concepts, through writing, design and production.

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