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Learn Excel 2011 for Mac

Learn Excel 2011 for Mac, 9781430235217 (1430235217), Apress, 2011

Microsoft Excel 2011 for the Mac OS X is a powerful application, but many of its most impressive features can be difficult to find. Guy Hart-Davis' Learn Excel 2011 for Mac is a practical, hands-on approach to learning all of the details of Excel 2011 to get work done efficiently on Mac OS X. From using formulas and functions to creating databases, from analyzing data to automating tasks, you'll learn everything you need to know to put this powerful application to use in a variety of tasks.

What you’ll learn

  • The secrets of the Excel:Mac interface!
  • How to create effective workbooks and templates
  • How to quickly format worksheets
  • How to perform custom calculations and formulas
  • What kind of creative and persuasive charts
  • How to illustrate your worksheets with SmartArt, pictures, and more
  • What business problem solving can be done with Excel
  • How to analyze data with pivot tables
  • How to automate tasks with VBA

Who this book is for

Beginning and intermediate users looking to get up to speed quickly with the Excel 2011 application and use it productively, both online and offline.

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