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Micro, Nanosystems and Systems on Chips: Modeling, Control, and Estimation (ISTE)


Micro and nanosystems represent a major scientific and technological challenge, with actual and potential applications in almost all fields of the human activity. The aim of the present book is to present how concepts from dynamical control systems (modeling, estimation, observation, identification, feedback control) can be adapted and applied to the development of original very small-scale systems and of their human interfaces. The application fields presented here come from micro and nanorobotics, biochips, near-field microscopy (AFM and STM) and nanosystems networks. Alina Voda has drawn contributions from leading experts at top research universities in France to produce a first overview of the major role that control systems science can play in the development of micro and nanosciences and technologies.

Chronic Abdominal and Visceral Pain: Theory and Practice
Chronic Abdominal and Visceral Pain: Theory and Practice

about the book…

Standing alone as the first definitive and comprehensive book on the subject, this guide describes the most recent studies on the brain-gut connection and psychosocial issues related to patients experiencing visceral pain. Bringing together leading experts from the top-tiers of the science, this source

E-Mail Security: A Pocket Guide
E-Mail Security: A Pocket Guide

E-mail is now an established and increasingly essential channel of business and personal communication. As such, safeguarding its operation and integrity is an issue of widespread significance. At the same time, e-mail has proven itself to represent a considerable threat vector, providing a route for a variety of attacks including malware,...

Energy Medicine
Energy Medicine

The illustrated, practical guide to using energy medicine.


A Concise Introduction to Matlab
A Concise Introduction to Matlab

A Concise Introduction to Matlab is a simple, concise book designed to cover all the major capabilities of MATLAB that are useful for beginning students. Thorough coverage of Function handles, Anonymous functions, and Subfunctions. In addition, key applications including plotting, programming, statistics and model building are...

Herrschaft - Staat - Mitbestimmung (German Edition)
Herrschaft - Staat - Mitbestimmung (German Edition)

Herrschaft - Staat - Mitbestimmung? ist eine theoretische und empirische Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, was den modernen demokratischen Staat im Allgemeinen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in ihrer aktuellen Verfassung im Besonderen auszeichnet. Die These ist, dass sich moderne demokratische Staaten in einem Spannungsverhältnis von...

Practical Arduino: Cool Projects for Open Source Hardware (Technology in Action)
Practical Arduino: Cool Projects for Open Source Hardware (Technology in Action)

Create your own Arduino-based designs, gain in-depth knowledge of the architecture of Arduino, and learn the user-friendly Arduino language all in the context of practical projects that you can build yourself at home. Get hands-on experience using a variety of projects and recipes for everything from home automation to test equipment.

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