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Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks: IFIP TC6 / WG6.8 Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks

This book draws together papers presented at the IFIP/IEEE Sixth Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications. It focuses on the convergence of mobile wireless networks and the Internet, in particular, integrating stand-alone mobile networks with infrastructure wireless networks to create more robust and accommodating wireless networks.

In this paper, our objective is to study and understand the mutual effects between the group communication protocols and unicast sessions in mobile ad hoc networks. The motivation of this work is based on the fact that a realistic wireless networks would typically have to support different simultaneous network applications, many of which may be unicast but some of which may need broadcast or multicast. However, almost all of the prior work on evaluating protocols in ad hoc networks examine protocols in isolation. In this paper, we compare the interactions of broadcast/multicast and unicast protocols and understand the microscopic nature of the interactions. We find that unicast sessions are significantly affected by the group communication sessions. In contrast, unicast sessions have less influence on the performance of group communications due to redundant packet transmissions provided by the latter. We believe that our study is a first step towards understanding such protocol interactions in ad hoc networks.
Essentials of Marketing
Essentials of Marketing

Brassington and Pettitt's Essentials of Marketing is the indispensable introduction to the subject for all students taking a short or one-semester Marketing module whatever their background. The second edition retains the lively writing style and authority of the authors' Principles of Marketing, and highlights the links between...

J Is for Jazz
J Is for Jazz

Winner 2015 Annual American Graphic Design Award! The perfect way to introduce children to a truly American art form, and a work of art in its own right, J Is for Jazz is the cat's pajamas for all readers-little finger zingers through grown-up cats!

Be-bopping, lyrical introductions to key jazz figures, locations,...

Neuroanatomical Tract-Tracing: Molecules, Neurons, and Systems
Neuroanatomical Tract-Tracing: Molecules, Neurons, and Systems
Having been available for 70 years, it seems reasonable to ask what transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can add to the investigation of the nervous system in the new millennium. Today, the basic synaptic organization of most brain regions is known, as is the morphological detail of most neurons and support cells. Chapters in...

The Million Dollar Sale: How to Get to the Top Decision Makers and Close the Big Sale
The Million Dollar Sale: How to Get to the Top Decision Makers and Close the Big Sale

How to reach the real decision makers and close the all-important sale

How do today's most successful sales professionals close multimillion-dollar deals? They do it by teaming up with "Codebreakers"-- sales reps from noncompeting firms already doing millions of dollars of business with target clients.


Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques: A Platform-Agnostic Approach (Game Design/Usability)
Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques: A Platform-Agnostic Approach (Game Design/Usability)

Game Programming Algorithms and Techniques is a detailed overview of many of the important algorithms and techniques used in video game programming today. Designed for programmers who are familiar with object-oriented programming and basic data structures, this book focuses on practical concepts that see actual use in the...

Therapist's Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Intervention
Therapist's Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Intervention

Sharon Johnson is the author of the best selling Therapist's Guide to Clinical Intervention now in its second edition. In this new book on PTSD, she lends her practical outline format to understanding PTSD assessment, treatment planning, and intervention. The book begins with a summary information on PTSD definition, and prevalence,...

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