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Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Residues (Studies in Environmental Science)

The International Ash Working Group (IAWG) was established in 1989 to conduct an in-depth review of the existing scientific data and develop a state-of-knowledge treatise on MSW incinerator residue characterisation, disposal, treatment and utilisation. The topics of operator and worker health and safety, and health risk assessment were beyond the scope of this project, and therefore have not been addressed.

Members of the IAWG had been involved in various research and development programs concerning MSW incineration residues for several years prior to establishing the IAWG. The IAWG has met regularly since its inception to discuss aspects of residue characterisation and management, as well as offering a forum for other researchers to provide their perspectives on the issues. The project soon grew beyond the original scope, due in part to the need to examine the ever increasing volume of published research data which became available in the early 1990's. In addition, the IAWG project was designated as an Activity under the International Energy Agency's (lEA) Bioenergy Agreement Task Xl - Conversion of MSW to Energy 1991 - 1994.

This final treatise and the Summary Report represent the culmination of the IAWG efforts over the period from February 1990 through July 1996. The input of information from colleagues, along with other information available from the literature and personal contacts, was used to formulate the conclusions and recommendations summarised in this document. The results of this effort have been presented in extended seminars, in conjunction with both the WASCON '94 Conference (June 1994) in Europe and with the Municipal Waste Combustion Conference (April 1995) in North America. In addition, the IAWG co-sponsored and participated in the "Seminar on Cycle and Stabilisation Technologies of MSW Incineration Residues" along with the Japan Waste Research Foundation (March 1996) in Japan. Currently, the IAWG continues to operate as a sub-group of Thermal Conversion Activity under the IEA's Bioenergy Agreement Task XlV - Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste.
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