JavaScript Enlightenment
If you’re an advanced beginner or intermediate JavaScript developer, JavaScript Enlightenment will solidify your understanding of the language—especially if you use a JavaScript library. In this concise book, JavaScript expert Cody Lindley (jQuery Cookbook) provides an accurate view of the language by examining its... |  |  The Facts on File Algebra Handbook (Science Handbook)The mathematics that we teach and learn today includes concepts and ideas that once were pondered only by the most brilliant men and women of ancient, and not so ancient, times. Numbers such as 1,000, for example, or two, or zero, were at one time considered very abstract ideas. There was a time when a quantity more than two or three was simply... |  |  Service-Oriented Computing (Cooperative Information Systems)Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) promises a world of cooperating services loosely connected, creating dynamic business processes and agile applications that span organizations and platforms. As a computing paradigm, it utilizes services as fundamental elements to support rapid, low-cost development of distributed applications in heterogeneous... |