THE IDEA FOR THIS BOOK literally came to me in the middle of the night. That creative part of my brain insisted that I get up and make some damn notes. In that sleepy fog, I saw myself crafting this little book along with its siblings – of course, it’s a series! I imagined them like little messengers, offering valuable information, support, and encouragement, serendipitously falling into the hands of people who need them. Written from the heart, with efficiency in mind, this book is short and to the point. No BS. No artificially generated content. No gimmicks. No tricks. I hope you’ll find it helpful.
It’s a familiar story, I have spent the last twenty-five years of my life raising a family, running a home, building a career – I am a mental health professional; now in private practice. I have chased horses, taken care of dogs, run more errands than humanly possible, cooked enough meals to circle around the sun and back, driven a zillion miles, sat in countless life-sucking meetings gazing out of the window wishing I was out on the trail somewhere – all in the spirit of loyalty, love, and commitment. Let me be clear: I am not complaining – well, maybe a little bit, especially the part about having to sit in all those life-sucking meetings. I chose those paths and wouldn’t change them for the world.