Many things have happened since I started the writing of Starting Strength: A Simple
and Practical Guide for Coaching Beginners in 2004. As a result of its publication I have had
the opportunity to meet and learn from many new people. It is my sincerest hope that the
additions to this book that are the direct result of their input make a difference in its
usefulness. Greg Glassman, Tony Budding, Carrie Klumpar, Michael Street, Kyle Gulledge,
Becky Kudrna, Dr. Kelly Starrett, and Mike Burgener have all contributed to this work.
As always, I am indebted to Glenn Pendlay and Lon Kilgore for many years of lab time
as we trained, worked, and learned together. Stef Bradford has, quite literally, made all this
possible through her many kinds of support. She provided the finish edit for the manuscript,
and thereby immeasurably increased its quality. Bill Starr started me down this path many years
ago, and my continued association with him has been productive, interesting, and at times very
weird. He is the Hunter. S Thompson of strength and conditioning, a very important part of
our industry and our profession. We have had a lot of fun.
Also in this interim, my teacher Philip S. Colee passed away after a long - and let me
assure you, a very hard-fought - battle with cancer. You have not witnessed determination
until you have seen a man wearing an oxygen bottle do deep squats for sets of five across. In
the process of telling metastatic cancer to Go To Hell - that it was not going to prevent him
from living his remaining days as he saw fit - he taught many of us here at the gym what was
possibly the most valuable lesson of his long career in education: no matter what your personal
circumstances might be (the universe is unconcerned with such details), you get out of life
exactly what you have contributed to the effort. It is my honor to have been his student. He
will be missed. This book is dedicated to him. |