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Tableau Dashboard Cookbook

Tableau Dashboard Cookbook, 9781782177906 (1782177906), Packt Publishing, 2014

This is a Cookbook containing an extensive series of practical task-based recipes to help you get the most out of using a Tableau dashboard.

This book is ideal for you if you are already familiar with Tableau and want to learn how to create an invaluable tool for your business by building your own dashboard.

Tableau Dashboard Cookbook is an introduction to the theory and practice of delivering dashboards using Tableau. The recipes take you through a step-by-step process of creating the building blocks of a dashboard and then proceed towards the design and principles of putting the dashboard items together. This book also covers certain features of Tableau such as calculations, which are used to drive the dashboard in order to make it relevant to the business user. The book will also teach you how to use key advanced string functions to play with data and images. Finally, this book will help you consider what to do next with your dashboard, whether it's on a server or in collaboration with other tools.

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