Deflation: What Happens When Prices Fall
Washington, D.C. The Federal Reserve held its
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
meeting in its two-storied chandeliered boardroom
at the central bank's white marble temple on
Constitution Avenue. Now, there was nothing
unusual about the FOMC gathering. The committee meets... |  |  International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security and Intelligence ATCI 2018: Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security ... in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 842)
The 2018 International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber
Intelligence (ATCI), building on the previous successes in Ningbo, China (2017),
Guangzhou, China (2016), Dallas, USA (2015), Beijing, China (2014), and Sydney,
Australia (2013), is proud to be in the sixth consecutive conference year in
Shanghai.... |  |  Model-Driven Design Using Business PatternsBusiness applications are designed using profound knowledge about the business domain, such as domain objects, fundamental domain-related principles, and domain patterns. Nonetheless, the pattern community's ideas for software engineering have not impacted at the application level, they are still mostly used for technical problems.
This... |