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Technology Blueprints: Technology Foundations for High Performance Companies

In the present era of the post "new economy," scores of successful companies are now tending more than ever to steer away from the old model of extreme reward by extreme speculation. While innovation thrives today, it is focused on the fundamentals of value and high performance. Technology blueprints are concrete, proven tactical and strategic patterns, critical to directly aligning technology execution with a fundamental business vision. Within these pages, a comprehensive set of technology blueprints covers a broad spectrum of areas, from technical leadership to asset assessment and intellectual property, and from core technologies to key methodologies around risk management. Technology Blueprints stresses fundamental objectives and presents specific pathologies and "anti-patters" to demonstrate for the reader how to avoid the "swirl du jour," and insidious pitfalls that can plague even the best of companies. This book is both a narrative and a blueprint for C-Level Executives as they continue to incorporate vital technologies into their business plans, fine-tune operations and expand their technological bandwidth.
Dynamics of Surfaces and Reaction Kinetics in Heterogeneous Catalysis (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis)
Dynamics of Surfaces and Reaction Kinetics in Heterogeneous Catalysis (Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis)
The keynote lectures and oral presentations provide a good mix of the role of surface science in studying catalysis with discussions of real catalyst systems, transient phenomena and relevant aspects of chemical engineering.

ASLIB Book Guide

Hardbound. Many processes of the chemical industry are based upon
Project Management for Environmental, Construction and Manufacturing Engineers: A Manual for Putting Theory into Practice
Project Management for Environmental, Construction and Manufacturing Engineers: A Manual for Putting Theory into Practice

As a companion to books on project-management theory, this book illustrates, in a down-to-earth, comprehensive style, how to put that theory into practice. In addition to the many examples that illustrate procedures, the book includes over 25 case studies, each one addressing a specific theme. Key topics, such as project selection,...

eBay Photography the Smart Way: Creating Great Product Pictures that Will Attract Higher Bids and Sell Your Items Faster
eBay Photography the Smart Way: Creating Great Product Pictures that Will Attract Higher Bids and Sell Your Items Faster
If a picture is worth a thousand words, just imagine how much a picture could be worth on eBay! In "eBay Photography the Smart Way", professional eBay expert Joseph Sinclair teams up with professional product photographer Stanley Livingston to show sellers how to instantly increase their sales and ramp up their profits! The book gives...

XForms Essentials
XForms Essentials
XForms Essentials is an introduction and practical guide to the new XForms specification. Written by Micah Dubinko, a member of the W3C XForms working group and an editor of the specification, the book explains the how and why of XForms, showing readers how to take advantage of them without having to write their...
Class in Education: Knowledge, pedagogy, and subjectivity
Class in Education: Knowledge, pedagogy, and subjectivity

In contemporary pedagogy, "class" has become one nomadic sign among others: it has no referent but only contingent allusions to similarly traveling signs. Class, that is, no longer explains social conflicts and antagonisms rooted in social divisions of labor, but instead portrays a cultural carnival of lifestyles, consumptions, tastes,...

Exploring Java 9: Build Modularized Applications in Java
Exploring Java 9: Build Modularized Applications in Java

Discover all the new features and changes in Java 9, including module systems?JPMS or Project Jigsaw. This book covers the whole Java application development life cycle. You'll review all the important concepts, including module descriptor, unnamed module, automatic module, and command line tools. 

Exploring Java...
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