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The Art of Designing Embedded Systems, Second Edition


For tens of thousands of years the human race used their muscles and the labor of animals to build a world that differed little from that known by all their ancestors. But in 1776 James Watt installed the fi rst of his improved steam engines in a commercial enterprise, kicking off the industrial revolution.

The 1800s were known as “ the great age of the engineer. ” Engineers were viewed as the celebrities of the age, as the architects of tomorrow, the great hope for civilization. (For a wonderful description of these times read Isamard Kingdom Brunel , by L.T.C. Rolt.) Yet during that century, one of every four bridges failed. Tunnels routinely fl ooded.

How things have changed!

Our successes at transforming the world brought stink and smog, factories weeping poisons, and landfi lls overfl owing with products made obsolete in the course of months. The Challenger explosion destroyed many people ’ s faith in complex technology (which shows just how little understanding Americans have of complexity). An odd resurgence of the worship of the primitive is directly at odds with the profession we embrace. Declining test scores and an urge to make a lot of money now have caused drastic declines in US engineering enrollments.

The Internet and Its Protocols: A Comparative Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
The Internet and Its Protocols: A Comparative Approach (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
"Not only is this book thorough in covering the networking technologies and the applications of todays communications networks, it also guides you to comprehensive understanding of problems and solutions. This should be mandatory reading for every professional in our business."
--Loa Andersson, TLA-group, IETF MPLS working group
Pro Silverlight 4 in C#
Pro Silverlight 4 in C#

Silverlight 4 is Microsoft's cross-browser technology for creating rich user experiences on the Web. Like its predecessor, Silverlight 3, it rides atop the .NET framework for maximum ease of use and coding efficiency. The new technology carries forward much of the work that has been done before and augments it in many important respects,...

Inside Atl (Programming Languages/C)
Inside Atl (Programming Languages/C)

One of the most interesting aspects of the industry we work in is the pace at which it evolves. Having software and computer technology progress so rapidly is both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing for some obvious reasons: constantly improving tools can help us write faster and more powerful software, the rapid change can lead to...

Contemporary Issues in End User Computing (Advances in End User Computing)
Contemporary Issues in End User Computing (Advances in End User Computing)
Contemporary Issues in End User Computing brings a wealth of end user computing information to one accessible location. This collection includes empirical and theoretical research concerned with all aspects of end user computing including development, utilization, and management. Contemporary Issues in End User Computing is divided into three...
Relational Database Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction
Relational Database Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction

This book presents a systematic treatment of the formal theory of the relational model of data, which is the foundation of current database management systems. It can be used as a text for a graduate course in database theory, or as an additional reference for an undergraduate course on data management. It will also be useful to researchers...

WebGL Hotshot
WebGL Hotshot

Create interactive 3D content for web pages and mobile devices with this book and ebook


  • Simple, ready-to-use interactive 3D demonstrations and explanations for a variety of popular and innovative websites
  • Detailed overview of how to build 3D environments including features such as...
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