As an editor, I am always looking for references for
all the publications I have been doing, and after
some years I came to the conclusion that there is
just one place to look for all I need: the web. And you
got to know how I ? look for things, not to waste your
precious hours to find the references you need. This
book is just about that. You want the best in terms
of navigation, graphics, programming, etc. This is
the compact reference you need to use as a buyer
of services, reference for clients, inspiration and
challenge. We have collected 200 portfolios from more
than 30 countries, to give you a broad view of what
is available out there. But the book and the fun don't
stop here, since you can go through many of the great
pages linked to these ones, including the designers
and offices that designed them. |
 Transients of Modern Power Electronics
In high power, high voltage electronics systems, a strategy to manage short timescale energy imbalances is fundamental to the system reliability. Without a theoretical framework, harmful local convergence of energy can affect the dynamic process of transformation, transmission, and storage which create an unreliable system. With an original... |  |  Word Processing in Groups
Connections between the theory of hyperbolic manifolds and the theory of
automata are deeply interwoven in the history of mathematics of this century.
The use of symbol sequences to study dynamical systems originates in the
work of Kocbe [Koc27, Koe29] and Morse [Mor87j, who both used symbol
saliences to code geodesies on a... |  |  The Physics of RugbyThis book began three decades ago, on a cold Saturday morning in early September. That was when I pulled on for the first time the scarlet jersey of Icknield, a high school named for a fierce tribe of Britons, the Iceni, who under their warrior queen Boadicea inflicted several heavy defeats upon the Romans. Our opponents that morning were from the... |