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Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 49
Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Volume 49

This series, established in 1965, is concerned with recent developments in the general area of atomic, molecular and optical physics. The field is in a state of rapid growth, as new experimental and theoretical techniques are used on many old and new problems.
Topics covered include related applied areas, such as atmospheric science,

CodeIgniter 1.7 professional development
CodeIgniter 1.7 professional development

CodeIgniter is an open source PHP framework with a small footprint and exceptional performance. It gives you a rich set of libraries for common tasks, with a simple interface to access them. There are several unexplored aspects of CodeIgniter that can help developers build applications more easily and quickly. In this book, you will learn the...

Semantic Techniques in Quantum Computation
Semantic Techniques in Quantum Computation

The idea of quantum computation, in the algorithmic sense, originated from the suggestion by Feynman (1982) that a computer based on the principles of quantum mechanics might be capable of efficiently simulating quantum systems of interest to physicists; such simulation seems to be very difficult with classical computers. Feynman’s...

Mastering Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008
Mastering Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008

The book you have in your possession is the culmination of a lot of work from thousands of people, from the original programmers at Microsoft to the team at Sybex that helped put it together. From the first days of Windows, Microsoft strived to create an easy-to-use and helpful program that would be available and accessible to anyone who...

John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester: The Poems and Lucina's Rape
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester: The Poems and Lucina's Rape

John Wilmot, second Earl of Rochester, was born on All Fools’ Day, 1647, at Ditchley in Oxfordshire on the estate that had belonged to his mother’s first husband, Sir Henry Lee. Rochester’s father, Lord Wilmot, was a royalist general; witty, restless and hard-drinking, he was with the exiled court in Paris, and hardly saw...

Virtual Presentations That Work
Virtual Presentations That Work


With today's virtual technology, you can manage your business faster, reduce your expenses, and reach a larger market than ever before. The technology is there. All you need is the imagination and talent to harness its power.

This all-in-one guide...

Joomla! 1.5 Templates Cookbook
Joomla! 1.5 Templates Cookbook

Joomla! 1.5 Templates Cookbook contains step-by-step instructions for Joomla! users to customize their Joomla! templates. The book is designed so that you can refer to it chapter by chapter, or you can look at the list of recipes and read those that interest you in no particular order. This book is written for Joomla! developers who want to...

Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological
Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological

Relativistic cosmology has in recent years become one of the most exciting and active branches of current research. In conference after conference the view is expressed that cosmology today is where particle physics was forty years ago, with major discoveries just waiting to happen. Also gravitational wave detectors, presently under...

Fringe Knowledge for Beginners
Fringe Knowledge for Beginners

The last half of my life has been spent in the active pursuit of truth. In the following pages I sketch the broadest map of what I have learned in the fewest words possible. You will not find proof between the covers of this book, rather ideas and principles that give you understanding and perspective on proof existing all around and within...

Enzybiotics: Antibiotic Enzymes as Drugs and Therapeutics
Enzybiotics: Antibiotic Enzymes as Drugs and Therapeutics

Presents the latest research and applications for a new, promising approach to fighting infectious diseases

Enzybiotics is a promising way of fighting bacterial or fungal infectious diseases by using viruses or viral-derived lysins. Drawing from the fields of medicinal chemistry, microbiology, genetics, and biochemistry, this book...

Evolution of Physics
Evolution of Physics

BEFORE you begin reading, you rightly expect some simple questions to be answered. For what purpose has this book been written? Who is the imaginary reader for whom it is meant?

It is difficult to begin by answering these questions clearly and convincingly. This would be much easier, though quite superfluous, at the end of the...

Universe or Multiverse?
Universe or Multiverse?

Recent developments in cosmology and particle physics, such as the string landscape picture, have led to the remarkable realization that our universe - rather than being unique - could be just one of many universes. The multiverse proposal helps to explain the origin of the universe and some of its observational features. Since the physical...

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