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Securing Java: Getting Down to Business with Mobile Code, 2nd Edition
Securing Java: Getting Down to Business with Mobile Code, 2nd Edition
Information Security/Java "This book is mandatory reading for every user and developer of Webware." —Peter G. Neumann, Moderator of the Risks Forum, from his review of the first edition Securing Java Java security is more important now than ever before. As Java matures and moves into the enterprise, security takes a more prominent...
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws
The Web Application Hacker's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws

Hack the planet

Web applications are everywhere, and they're insecure. Banks, retailers, and others have deployed millions of applications that are full of holes, allowing attackers to steal personal data, carry out fraud, and compromise other systems. This innovative book shows you how they do it.


Microsoft Access Version 2002 Core Reference
Microsoft Access Version 2002 Core Reference
With MICROSOFT ACCESS Version 2002 CORE REFERENCE, developers learn how to quickly connect to structured data sources-and extend their solutions to the Web-with code and instruction, straight from the source. Highly regarded programming author Rick Dobson takes readers inside the enhanced capabilities of Access Version 2002, providing the expert...
Microsoft Visual Basic: Developer's Workshop
Microsoft Visual Basic: Developer's Workshop

The authors of this guide present a smorgasbord of tips and techniques for Visual Basic developers. The first part details the new features of Visual Basic 6 and lays out conventions for clear and productive programming style. However, these important preliminary discussions are covered in only two quick chapters, and most of the book is...

Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 MCSD Training Kit
Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 MCSD Training Kit
For Visual Basic (VB) programmers seeking the Microsoft Certified Developer (MSCD) credential, Distributed Applications for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 MCSD Training Kit provides a good resource for the material you'll likely face on the test, "Distributing and Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0"...
Internet: The Complete Reference
Internet: The Complete Reference
The Most Comprehensive Guide to Today's Internet

Get connected and take full advantage of all the Internet has to offer using this resource written by best-selling computer book author Margaret Levine Young. Whether you use the Internet at home just for fun or in a small office or large organization, you'll find tons of in-depth and useful...

Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++ (Book & CD-ROM)
Real-time 3D Character Animation with Visual C++ (Book & CD-ROM)
Do you have some experience and a reasonable knowledge of C++ and want to write your own computer games? Have you ever looked at a PC or Playstation (R) game with characters running and leaping through an exciting landscape and wondered how it was done? If so then this book will give you all the information you need to achieve this goal, whether...
Delphi 5 Developer's Guide (Developer's Guide)
Delphi 5 Developer's Guide (Developer's Guide)
The Delphi 5 Developer's Guide is a complete reference showing developers what they need to know most about Delphi 5. The text begins with a tour of Delphi 5 basics, including improvements since version 1. After observing object-oriented Pascal programming, including advanced language features, the authors turn to the strengths of using the Visual...
Access 2007 Programming by Example with VBA, XML, and ASP (Wordware Database Library)
Access 2007 Programming by Example with VBA, XML, and ASP (Wordware Database Library)
Access 2007 Programming by Example with VBA, XML, and ASP shows non-programmers how Access databases can be created, managed, and customized with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) -- a powerful programming language built into Access. Hundreds of hands-on examples and projects throughout the book show users how to take charge of their Access...
Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2007 (Mastering)
Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2007 (Mastering)
Quickly learn to write macros, automate tasks, and create custom applications for Office 2007 with Microsoft’s Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) using the in-depth instructions in Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2007. Jump right into the basics of recording and running macros with Office’s built-in Macro Recorder, before...
Beginning Access 2007 VBA
Beginning Access 2007 VBA

If you want to take your Access databases to a more robust level of functionality, then this is the book for you. It provides the tools and techniques you'll need in order to build more sophisticated solutions. You'll find plenty of source code and fully developed sample applications to guide you along the way.

After walking through the...

Working With Active Server Pages
Working With Active Server Pages
One sure sign of the significance of Active Server Pages is that it is often confused with Internet Information Server 3.0. That is, many people think that they are synonymous. In reality, ASP is a single ISAPI filter that has been added to IIS 3.0. In almost everyone's mind, however, ASP has evidently supplanted the Microsoft Web server.
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