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pfSense 2 Cookbook
pfSense 2 Cookbook

pfSense is an open source distribution of FreeBSD-based firewall which provides a platform for flexible and powerful routing and firewalling. The versatility of pfSense presents us with a wide array of configuration options which, compared to other offerings, makes determining requirements a little more difficult and a lot more important....

MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administration (Exam # 70-647) (Mcts)
MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administration (Exam # 70-647) (Mcts)
MCITP Guide to Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administrator (Exam 70-647) provides in-depth coverage of the 70-647 certifi cation exam objectives and focuses on the skills needed to manage a Windows Server 2008 enterprise. The book contains approximately 85 hands-on activities and 40 skill-reinforcing case projects, so...
Private Cloud Computing: Consolidation, Virtualization, and Service-Oriented Infrastructure
Private Cloud Computing: Consolidation, Virtualization, and Service-Oriented Infrastructure
Is “provisioning a web server in 5 minutes for $5” the most interesting thing about the cloud?

Those responsible for IT in their enterprise are quickly discovering that the cloud is a game-changing trend that offers a completely new methodology for service provision. The cloud not only lets you cut
Handbook of Data Intensive Computing
Handbook of Data Intensive Computing
This handbook is carefully edited book – contributors are worldwide experts in the field of data intensive computing and their applications. The scope of the book includes leading edge data intensive computing architectures and systems, innovative storage, virtualization, and parallel processing technologies applied in...
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: Third International Conference, TAMC 2006, Beijing, China
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: Third International Conference, TAMC 2006, Beijing, China

In several practical circumstances we have to solve a problem whose instance is not a priori completely known. Situations of this kind occur in computer systems and networks management, in financial decision making, in robotics etc. Problems that have to be solved without a complete knowledge of the instance are called on-line...

Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide
Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide

Welcome to the new Wiley Digital Field Guide for the Canon Speedlite System. Whether you are holding this book or your new Canon Speedlite in your hands, you are holding a fantastic tool that will assist you in creating awesome photographs that you will be proud to display and share with your family and friends. Much has changed in...

Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk

Thank you for picking up a copy of this book. Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is one of Amazon AWS’s services. It offers a platform for easy deployment of web applications. The first version of Elastic Beanstalk handles Java applications running in a Tomcat container. Deploying an application has been made as easy as uploading your WAR...

Nginx 1 Web Server Implementation Cookbook
Nginx 1 Web Server Implementation Cookbook

Nginx is an open source high-performance web server, which has gained quite some popularity recently. Due to its modular architecture and small footprint, it has been the default choice for a lot of smaller Web 2.0 companies to be used as a load-balancing proxy server. It supports most of the existing backend web protocols such as FCGI,...

Small Business For Dummies
Small Business For Dummies

Want to start the small business of your dreams? Want to breathe new life into the one you already have? Small Business For Dummies, 3rd Edition provides authoritative guidance on every aspect of starting and growing your business, from financing and budgeting to marketing, management and beyond.

This completely practical,...

VMware ESX and ESXi in the Enterprise: Planning Deployment of Virtualization Servers (2nd Edition)
VMware ESX and ESXi in the Enterprise: Planning Deployment of Virtualization Servers (2nd Edition)

Edward L. Haletky’s Complete, Solutions-Focused Guide to Running ESX Server 3.5, vSphere, and VMware 4.x


Extensively updated and revised, this is the definitive real-world guide to planning, deploying, and managing VMware ESX Server 3.5,...

SharePoint 2010 Administration Instant Reference
SharePoint 2010 Administration Instant Reference

There are a lot of SharePoint books out there, and you might be wondering, why another? We know that different people buy books for different reasons. In this book, we cater to the busiest of professionals. We respect your time and understand that many of you don’t have time to read an 800-page tome. You need quick answers to real...

Cisco LAN Switching Configuration Handbook (2nd Edition)
Cisco LAN Switching Configuration Handbook (2nd Edition)

Cisco LAN Switching Configuration Handbook, Second Edition, is a quick and portable reference guide to the most commonly used features that can be configured on Cisco® Catalyst® switches. Written to be used across all Catalyst IOS platforms, the book covers general use of Cisco IOS®, followed by a series...

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