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Information Warfare: How to Survive Cyber Attacks
Information Warfare: How to Survive Cyber Attacks

"Computers don't attack computers, people do. With Erbschloe's capability taxonomy, we see that there are plenty of new adversaries out there with increasingly powerful cyberweapons and intentions. But most importantly, the greatest threat still comes from "trusted" insiders we so desperately need to, but perhaps shouldn't, trust...

Search Engine Optimization For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Search Engine Optimization For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
"…cuts through the nonsense, providing a clear, simple and concise explanation of how websites reach top positions in search engines ..." (PC Advisor, September 2006) 

Why do some sites pop to the top when you search? How do you make yours one of them? You create sites that make search
Hibernate Search in Action
Hibernate Search in Action
I joined an e-commerce company in 2000, nothing unusual I suppose. We were quite annoyed by the quality of Amazon’s search engine results compared to ours. A few years later, we reimplemented our search engine from scratch using Lucene. That’s where I learned that a good search engine is 50% kick-ass technology and 50% deep...
Introduction to Network Security (Networking Series)
Introduction to Network Security (Networking Series)
In today's online, connected world where computers outsell TVs and e-commerce sales surpass those of "brick-and-mortar" stores, secure network environments are a necessity. Weaknesses within networks have led to the rapid growth of identity theft and computer virus outbreaks, so the demand for skilled and aspiring system administrators...
Oracle PL/SQL Programming, Third Edition
Oracle PL/SQL Programming, Third Edition
Oracle PL/SQL Programming has been an indispensable reference for both novice and experienced PL/SQL developers since its first edition. Now in its third edition, the book has been thoroughly revised and updated to include the latest Oracle releases--Oracle8i and Oracle9i--the "Internet databases" that communicate with other...
Hip: The History (P.S.)
Hip: The History (P.S.)

Hip: The History is the story of how American pop culture has evolved throughout the twentieth century to its current position as world cultural touchstone. How did hip become such an obsession? From sex and music to fashion and commerce, John Leland tracks the arc of ideas as they move from subterranean Bohemia to Madison Avenue and...

The Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile Communications
The Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile Communications
This book is about two technologies that have had, and will increasingly have, a significant impact on the way we all live, learn and play: personal wireless communications and signal processing. When it comes to both markets, history has shown that reality has often surprised the most optimistic forecasters.

We draw on the experience of
Codes and Ciphers: Julius Caesar, the Enigma, and the Internet
Codes and Ciphers: Julius Caesar, the Enigma, and the Internet
"He has written an excellent book that belongs in your personal library." Cryptologia

"Churchhouse (emer., Cardiff Univ., Wales) offers a history and explanation of codes, ciphers, cryptography, and cryptanalysis from Julius Caesar and WWII code-breaking activities to the present day including the world of the Internet.
Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems
Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems
"If you’re even thinking of doing any security engineering, you need to read this book. It’s the first, and only, end-to-end modern security design and engineering book ever written."–Bruce Schneier

"Many people are anxious about Internet security for PCs and servers," says leading expert Ross Anderson,...

How to Make Money with YouTube: Earn Cash, Market Yourself, Reach Your Customers, and Grow Your Business
How to Make Money with YouTube: Earn Cash, Market Yourself, Reach Your Customers, and Grow Your Business
“How Can I Profit from YouTube®?”

Ever since its creation in 2005 the video-sharing phenomenon has been newsworthy not only for videos: users were making media appearances about how they parlayed their hobbies into six-figure incomes, but they’ve been tight-lipped when it comes to their secrets.

Flex 3 with Java
Flex 3 with Java

Flex 3 is a great technology for developing Rich Internet Applications for the Web as well as for the desktop. If you are a developer looking to design great-looking and sophisticated user interfaces that resemble desktop-based applications, and want to utilize an existing server technology such as Java to develop RIAs, this book is for you.

Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide
Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide
Microsoft Content Management Server Field Guide  provides simple crisis-management instructions for intermediate- to advanced-level network administrators who work in the trenches. It offers practical procedural information, reference materials, and focused presentations. This book also features self-contained topics so you do not have to look...
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