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Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICETME 2018 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICETME 2018 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

This book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ICETME 2018). The book covers various topics of mechanical engineering like computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer, machine dynamics, tribology, and composite materials. In addition, relevant studies in the allied...

Sensors Handbook
Sensors Handbook

Complete, State-of-the-Art Coverage of Sensor Technologies and Applications

Fully revised with the latest breakthroughs in integrated sensors and control systems, Sensors Handbook, Second Edition provides all of the information needed to select the optimum sensor for any type of application, including engineering,...

Software Development Handbook
Software Development Handbook
This Second Edition of the Software Development Handbook has been extensively revised and updated to incorporate new developments, and to improve and clarify the presentation.

This handbook is not intended as a complete course in software development for microcomputers. However, witb appropriate additional material and combined with
The System Designer's Guide to VHDL-AMS (Systems on Silicon)
The System Designer's Guide to VHDL-AMS (Systems on Silicon)
The demand is exploding for complete, integrated systems that sense, process, manipulate, and control complex entities such as sound, images, text, motion, and environmental conditions. These systems, from hand-held devices to automotive sub-systems to aerospace vehicles, employ electronics to manage and adapt to a world that is, predominantly,...
VHDL : Programming By Example
VHDL : Programming By Example


No matter what your current level of expertise, nothing will have you writing and verifying concise, efficient VHDL descriptions of...

Advanced Software Testing - Vol. 1: Guide to the ISTQB Advanced Certification as an Advanced Test Analyst (Rockynook Computing)
Advanced Software Testing - Vol. 1: Guide to the ISTQB Advanced Certification as an Advanced Test Analyst (Rockynook Computing)
This book is written for the test analyst who wants to achieve advanced skills in test analysis, design, and execution. With a hands-on, exercise-rich approach, this book teaches you how to define and carry out the tasks required to put a test strategy into action. Learn how to analyze the system, taking into account the user ™s quality...
Introduction To The Calculus Of Variations
Introduction To The Calculus Of Variations
"This book provides non-mathematics students with an easy way to grasp the basic idea of the calculus of variations, and its possible applications in their field of study. For mathematics students, the book leads them to the very directions which should be followed." Professor Ji-Huan He Donghua University, Shanghai, China "This...
Introduction to Residential Layout
Introduction to Residential Layout
Accessible guide to theory and practice of residential design.

Introduction to Residential Layout is ideal for students and practitioners of urban design, planning, engineering, architecture and landscape seeking a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of designing and laying out residential areas.

Matlab for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in Matlab
Matlab for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in Matlab
Matlab is the accepted standard for scientific computing, used globally in virtually all Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology laboratories. For instance, SPM, the most used software for the analysis and manipulation of fMRI images in research and clinical practice is fully programmed in matlab, and its use of the possibility to allow for...
P2P Networking and Applications (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
P2P Networking and Applications (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking)
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks enable users to directly share digital content (such as audio, video, and text files) as well as real-time data (such as telephony traffic) with other users without depending on a central server. Although originally popularized by unlicensed online music services such as Napster, P2P networking has recently emerged as a...
Millimetre Wave Antennas for Gigabit Wireless Communications: A Practical Guide to Design and Analysis in a System Context
Millimetre Wave Antennas for Gigabit Wireless Communications: A Practical Guide to Design and Analysis in a System Context

Complete and comprehensive application-focused reference on millimetre wave antennas

Millimetre Wave Antennas for Gigabit Wireless Communications covers a vast wealth of material with a strong focus on the current design and analysis principles of millimetre wave antennas for wireless...

FPGA-based Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
FPGA-based Implementation of Signal Processing Systems

Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are an increasingly popular technology for implementing digital signal processing (DSP) systems. By allowing designers to create circuit architectures developed for the specific applications, high levels of performance can be achieved for many DSP applications providing considerable improvements over...

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