 The System Designer's Guide to VHDL-AMS (Systems on Silicon)The demand is exploding for complete, integrated systems that sense, process, manipulate, and control complex entities such as sound, images, text, motion, and environmental conditions. These systems, from hand-held devices to automotive sub-systems to aerospace vehicles, employ electronics to manage and adapt to a world that is, predominantly,... |  |  VHDL : Programming By ExampleTHE HANDS-DOWN FAVORITE USER'S GUIDE TO VHDLCOMPLETELY UPDATED TO REFLECT THE VERY LATEST DESIGN METHODS
No matter what your current level of expertise, nothing will have you writing and verifying concise, efficient VHDL descriptions of... |  |  |
 Introduction To The Calculus Of Variations"This book provides non-mathematics students with an easy way to grasp the basic idea of the calculus of variations, and its possible applications in their field of study. For mathematics students, the book leads them to the very directions which should be followed." Professor Ji-Huan He Donghua University, Shanghai, China "This... |  |  Introduction to Residential LayoutAccessible guide to theory and practice of residential design.
Introduction to Residential Layout is ideal for students and practitioners of urban design, planning, engineering, architecture and landscape seeking a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of designing and laying out residential areas.
Mike... |  |  Matlab for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in MatlabMatlab is the accepted standard for scientific computing, used globally in virtually all Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology laboratories. For instance, SPM, the most used software for the analysis and manipulation of fMRI images in research and clinical practice is fully programmed in matlab, and its use of the possibility to allow for... |
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