 |  |  |  |  Chemistry of Pyrotechnics: Basic Principles and Theory
Everyone has observed chemical reactions involving pyrotechnic mixtures.
Beautiful 4th of July fireworks, highway distress signals,
solid fuel boosters for the Space Shuttle, and the black powder used
by muzzle-loading rifle enthusiasts all have a common technical background.
The chemical principles underlying... |
 Programming Language Concepts (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Programming Language Concepts uses a functional programming language (F#) as the metalanguage in which to present all concepts and examples, and thus has an operational flavour, enabling practical experiments and exercises. It includes basic concepts such as abstract syntax, interpretation, stack machines, compilation, type checking, and... |  |  Windows Internals, Part 2: Covering Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7
Windows Internals, Sixth Edition is intended for advanced computer professionals
(both developers and system administrators) who want to understand how the
core components of the Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating
systems work internally. With this knowledge, developers can better comprehend ... |  |  |
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