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The Art and Science of Java
The Art and Science of Java

In The Art and Science of Java, Stanford professor and well-known leader in Computer Science Education Eric Roberts emphasizes the reader-friendly exposition that led to the success of The Art and Science of C. By following the recommendations of the Association of Computing Machinery’s Java Task Force, this first edition...

International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (9 vol. set)
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (9 vol. set)

Late in 2004 I received a telephone call from Hélène Potter, director of new product development for Macmillan Reference USA—an imprint of Gale. I did not realize immediately that it was the telephone call that would shape a large share of my intellectual activity for the next three years. In fact, I recall hearing about a...

PowerPivot for Business Intelligence Using Excel and SharePoint
PowerPivot for Business Intelligence Using Excel and SharePoint

PowerPivot comprises a set of technologies for easy access to data mining and business intelligence analysis from Microsoft Excel and SharePoint. Power users and developers alike can create sophisticated, online analytic processing (OLAP) solutions using PowerPivot for Excel, and then share those solutions with other users via PowerPivot for...

Python: Visual QuickStart Guide
Python: Visual QuickStart Guide

Named after the Monty Python comedy troupe, Python is an interpreted, open-source, object-oriented programming language. It's also free and runs portably on Windows, Mac OS, Unix, and other operating systems. Python can be used for all manner of programming...

C: A Reference Manual (5th Edition)
C: A Reference Manual (5th Edition)

This text is a reference manual for the C programming language. OUf aim is to provide a complete and precise discussion of the language, the run-time libraries. and a style of C programming that emphasizes correctness, portability, and maintainability.

We expect our readers to already understand basic programming concepts, and many...

Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets: Second Edition
Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets: Second Edition

Numerical analysis is the branch of mathematics that is used to find approximations to difficult problems such as finding the roots of non-linear equations, integration involving complex expressions and solving differential equations for which analytical solutions do not exist. It is applied to a wide variety of disciplines such as...

The AWK Programming Language
The AWK Programming Language

Computer users spend a lot of time doing simple, mechanical data manipulation - changing the format of data, checking its validity, finding items with some property, adding up numbers, printing reports, and the like. All of these jobs ought to be mechanized, but it's a real nuisance to have to write a specialpurpose program in a...

Queueing Networks: A Fundamental Approach (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
Queueing Networks: A Fundamental Approach (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)

The origin of queueing theory and its application traces back to Erlang’s historical work for telephony networks as recently celebrated by the Erlang Centennial, 100 Years of Queueing, Copenhagen, recalling his first paper in 1909. Ever since, the simplicity and fundamental flavour of Erlang’s famous expressions, such as his...

On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp
On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp

This book is intended for anyone who wants to become a better Lisp programmer. It assumes some familiarity with Lisp, but not necessarily extensive programming experience. The first few chapters contain a fair amount of review. I hope that these sections will be interesting to more experienced Lisp programmers as well, because they...

The Coming Robot Revolution: Expectations and Fears About Emerging Intelligent, Humanlike Machines
The Coming Robot Revolution: Expectations and Fears About Emerging Intelligent, Humanlike Machines

Making a robot that looks and behaves like a human being has been the subject of many popular science fiction movies and books. Although the development of such a robot faces many challenges, the making of a virtual human has long been potentially possible. With recent advances in various key technologies related to hardware and...

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition)
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition)

In the time since the 1986 edition of this book, the world of compiler design has changed significantly. Programming languages have evolved to present new compilation problems. Computer architectures offer a variety of resources of which the compiler designer must take advantage. Perhaps most interestingly, the venerable technology of...

The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction

You've experienced the shiny, point-and-click surface of your Linux computer—now dive below and explore its depths with the power of the command line.

The Linux Command Line takes you from your very first terminal keystrokes to writing full programs in Bash, the most popular Linux shell. Along the way...

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