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Computer Algebra: Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (Computing Supplementa)
Computer Algebra: Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (Computing Supplementa)

The journal Computing has established a series of supplement volumes the fourth of which appears this year. Its purpose is to provide a coherent presentation of a new topic in a single volume. The previous subjects were Computer Arithmetic 1977, Fundamentals of Numerical Computation 1980, and Parallel Processes and Related Automata...

Oracle Database 11gR2 Performance Tuning Cookbook
Oracle Database 11gR2 Performance Tuning Cookbook

People use databases to organize and to manage their data. Oracle Database is the leader in the relational database management systems market, with a broad adoption in many industries. Using the best tool is not enough to be sure that the results of our efforts will be satisfactory—driving the fastest car in a Formula 1...

Programming Reactive Extensions and LINQ
Programming Reactive Extensions and LINQ

Right now, we as programmers are at an impasse—a transition period between the well-understood world of imperative programming, and a world that is increasingly at odds with this model. In the ’80s, everything was simple: one machine, one thread, no network.

CPUs are now scaling horizontally, adding more and more...

Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines
Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines

An academic dynasty has come together to write an excellent textbook on information retrieval. Stefan Buttcher, Charles Clarke, and Gordon Cormack make up three generations of stellar information retrieval researchers with over fifty years of combined experience. Buttcher was Clarke's doctoral student, and Clarke was Cormack's...

Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications
Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications

The ultimate guide to cryptography, updated from an author team of the world's top cryptography experts.

Cryptography is vital to keeping information safe, in an era when the formula to do so becomes more and more challenging. Written by a team of world-renowned cryptography experts, this essential guide is the...

Queueing Networks: A Fundamental Approach (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
Queueing Networks: A Fundamental Approach (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)

The origin of queueing theory and its application traces back to Erlang’s historical work for telephony networks as recently celebrated by the Erlang Centennial, 100 Years of Queueing, Copenhagen, recalling his first paper in 1909. Ever since, the simplicity and fundamental flavour of Erlang’s famous expressions, such as his...

Exact Exponential Algorithms (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)
Exact Exponential Algorithms (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)

For a long time computer scientists have distinguished between fast and slow algorithms. Fast (or good) algorithms are the algorithms that run in polynomial time, which means that the number of steps required for the algorithm to solve a problem is bounded by some polynomial in the length of the input. All other algorithms are slow (or bad)....

IBM Rational ClearCase 7.0: Master the Tools That Monitor, Analyze, and Manage Software Configurations
IBM Rational ClearCase 7.0: Master the Tools That Monitor, Analyze, and Manage Software Configurations

My first encounter with software configuration management was way back in the eighties while at university – and way before I knew that it was called software configuration management. We were doing a student project and were five people working on this group project. I was coding away, slipping into experiments that eventually took the...

Web Marketing For Dummies
Web Marketing For Dummies

It looks so simple on TV. Launch Web site, count money. If only real life were that easy! Alas, with billions of Web sites competing for attention, it’s not simple at all.

On the other hand, marketing online isn’t rocket science. This book charts a practical course of action to put your business Web site to work,...

Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Heating System Components, Gas and Oil Burners and Automatic Controls
Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Heating System Components, Gas and Oil Burners and Automatic Controls
The purpose of this series is to provide the layman with an introduction to the fundamentals of installing, servicing, troubleshooting, and repairing the various types of equipment used in residential and light-commercial heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Consequently, it was written not only for the...
LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0: The King's Treasure (Technology in Action)
LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0: The King's Treasure (Technology in Action)

Welcome to LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0: The King’s Treasure. Yes, it’s the sequel to LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT: The Mayan Adventure, but no previous experience with that book is required to use or enjoy this book. Please be aware that The Mayan Adventure used the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 1.0 kit which was released in 2006. The LEGO...

Basics Design: Layout (Second Edition)
Basics Design: Layout (Second Edition)

Layout concerns the placement of text and image elements within a design. How these elements are positioned, both in relation to one another and within the overall design scheme, will affect how the content is viewed and received by the readers, as well as their emotional reaction towards it. Layout can help or hinder the receipt of...

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