Sales Therapy: Effective Selling for the Small Business Owner
If you work in a small business, you have to know how to sell. Full stop. But selling as most people know it doesn’t work anymore. It’s relationships that count.
Real selling is about understanding customers’ goals and helping them to buy, not topping off a template presentation with a pushy attitude. So... | | Make It So
This book has accomplished a feat that’s valuable and rare: it comprehends
design and science fiction. Better yet, it’s found specific areas where they are
of practical use to one another.
This is a design book, and meant for designers. It concerns itself with
science fiction cinema. To my delight, it... | | SQL All-in-One For Dummies
SQL is the internationally recognized standard language for dealing with data in relational databases. Developed by IBM, SQL became an international standard in 1986. The standard was updated in 1989, 1992, 1999, 2003, and 2008. It continues to evolve and gain capability. Database vendors continually update their products to incorporate the... |
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