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Head First iPhone and iPad Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone and iPad
Head First iPhone and iPad Development: A Learner's Guide to Creating Objective-C Applications for the iPhone and iPad

Let's say you have a killer app idea for iPhone and iPad. Where do you begin? Head First iPhone and iPad Development will help you get your first application up and running in no time. You'll not only learn how to design for Apple's devices, you'll also master the iPhone SDK tools -- including Interface...

Multimodal Usability (Human-Computer Interaction Series)
Multimodal Usability (Human-Computer Interaction Series)

This preface tells the story of how Multimodal Usability responds to a special challenge. Chapter 1 describes the goals and structure of this book.

The idea of describing how to make multimodal computer systems usable arose in the European Network of Excellence SIMILAR – “Taskforce for creating human-machine...

Professional Plone 4 Development
Professional Plone 4 Development

I suspect Martin plied me to write this foreword while out one evening during the 2010 Plone Conference in Bristol. Full from an excellent dinner and even better conversation, beer in hand, who could say no?

I've long envied Martin's ability to write. Text and code flow from his fingers at a rate that I can't even begin...

AutoCAD 2010 Tutor for Engineering Graphics
AutoCAD 2010 Tutor for Engineering Graphics

Engineering graphics is the process of defining an object graphically before it is constructed and used by consumers. Previously, this process for producing a drawing involved the use of drawing aids such as pencils, ink pens, triangles, T-squares, and so forth to place an idea on paper before making changes and producing blue-line...

Guide to ILDJIT (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
Guide to ILDJIT (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

We are all familiar with the time-honored idea of a Virtual Machine that is neutral with respect to computer architecture and can be used to execute a high-level language, after its translation to the VM byte-code. This approach can be found in several successful mono-language systems, that support popular languages such as Java or...

Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

It is my pleasure and privilege to write the foreword for this book, whose results I have been following and awaiting for the last few years. This monograph represents the outcome of an ambitious project oriented towards advancing our knowledge of the way the human visual system processes images, and about the way it combines high...

Self-organising Software: From Natural to Artificial Adaptation (Natural Computing Series)
Self-organising Software: From Natural to Artificial Adaptation (Natural Computing Series)

Stable and dependable IT services and infrastructures are nowadays of paramount importance not only for modern enterprises but also for home users. However, as distributed information infrastructures continue to spread and grow, resulting in Internet-based, wireless and mobile systems, traditional solutions for managing and...

Computer Technology Encyclopedia
Computer Technology Encyclopedia

These days, any attempt to write a full-blown encyclopedia or dictionary of computer terminology would be an exercise in futility. New terms and buzzwords appear every day, and information technology fi elds overlap with so many other fi elds it can be hard to determine if a word is IT, telecommunications, or graphics arts, and so on....

Data Mashups in R
Data Mashups in R

Programmers may spend a good part of their careers scripting code to conform to commercial statistics packages, visualization tools, and domain-specific third-party software. The same tasks can force end users to spend countless hours in copy-paste purgatory, each minor change necessitating another grueling round of formatting tabs and...

Apache Maven 3 Cookbook
Apache Maven 3 Cookbook

Apache Maven is more than just build automation. When positioned at the very heart of your development strategy, Apache Maven can become a force multiplier not just for individual developers but for Agile teams and managers. This book covers implementation of Apache Maven with popular enterprise technologies/frameworks and introduces Agile...

Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity: All-in-one, multi-platform game development
Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity: All-in-one, multi-platform game development

Real time 3D games have been around for well over ten years now. We’ve played them, created assets in the style of our favorites, and maybe even “mod”ed a few of them. But until recently, the cost of licensing one of the premier game engines has ranged from several hundred thousand to several million dollars per title...

Game Programming Gems 8
Game Programming Gems 8

Welcome to the eighth edition of the Game Programming Gems series, started by Mark DeLoura in 2000. The first edition was inspired by Andrew Glassner‘s popular Graphics Gems series. Since then, other Gems series have started, including AI Gems and a new series focused on the capabilities of programmable graphics, the ShaderX series....

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