 |  |  |  |  Linux in a NutshellEverything you need to know about Linux is in this book. Written by Stephen Figgins, Ellen Siever, Robert Love, and Arnold Robbins -- people with years of active participation in the Linux community -- Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition, thoroughly covers programming tools, system and network administration tools, the shell, editors, and... |
 Core Python Programming (2nd Edition)A quick guide to everything anyone would want to know about the soaringly popular Internet programming language, Python. Provides an introduction to new features introduced in Python 1.6, and topics covered include regular expressions, extending Python, and OOP. The CD-ROM includes the source code for all of the examples in the text. Softcover.... |  |  Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C LibraryThis book is about writing software that makes the most effective use of the system you're running on -- code that interfaces directly with the kernel and core system libraries, including the shell, text editor, compiler, debugger, core utilities, and system daemons. The majority of both Unix and Linux code is still written at the system level, and... |  |  JRuby CookbookIf you're interested in JRuby, you probably don't need a turorial on Ruby, Rails, or Java -- you just need to know how to get things done. This Cookbook offers practical solutions for using the Java implementation of the Ruby language, with targeted recipes for deploying Rails web applications on Java servers, integrating JRuby code with Java... |
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