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Faster Smarter A+ Certification
Faster Smarter A+ Certification

Take the next step in your career by earning your CompTIA A+ certification the faster, smarter way. This innovative, high-energy guide makes the most of your study time by teaching exactly what you need for the A+ Core Hardware and Operating Systems Technologies exams. You get focused, no-fluff coverage of exam objectives—plus Test Smart...

PHP for the World Wide Web, Third Edition (Visual QuickStart Guide)
PHP for the World Wide Web, Third Edition (Visual QuickStart Guide)
With PHP for the World Wide Web, Third Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide, readers can start from the beginning to get a tour of the programming language, or look up specific tasks to learn just what they need to know. This task-based visual reference guide uses step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots to teach beginning...
Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth
Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth

Financial innovation can drive social, economic, and environmental change, transforming ideas into new technologies, industries, and jobs. But when it is misunderstood or mismanaged, the consequences can be severe. In this practical, accessible book, two leading experts explain how sophisticated capital structures can...

Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 10th Urban Environment Symposium (Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries)
Urban Environment: Proceedings of the 10th Urban Environment Symposium (Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries)

The 10th Urban Environment Symposium (10UES) was held on 9–11 June 2010 in Gothenburg, Sweden. UES aims at providing a forum on the science and practices required to support pathways to a positive and sustainable future in the urban environment. The UES series is run by Chalmers University of Technology within the Alliance for Global...

Magento 2 Development Essentials
Magento 2 Development Essentials

Key Features

  • Create unique solutions for Magento 2 by developing and implementing solutions, themes, and extensions
  • Be proficient in the main functionalities, resources, and system structure of Magento 2
  • Get to grips with this practical and hands-on guide to raise your web development skills...
The AMA Handbook of Leadership
The AMA Handbook of Leadership

The AMA Handbook of Leadership features insights from best-of-the-best thought leaders and executive leadership coaches on topics from talent development, the arts and leadership, and competitive advantage through leadership, to leading across cultures, sustainability, executive transition, and many more timeless (and timely) issues....

Think Smart: A Neuroscientist's Prescription for Improving Your Brain's Performance
Think Smart: A Neuroscientist's Prescription for Improving Your Brain's Performance
A leading neuroscientist and New York Times-bestselling author of Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot distills the research on the brain and serves up practical, surprising, and illuminating recommendations for warding off neurological decline, cognitive function, and encouraging smarter thinking day to day.
Architects of Intelligence: The truth about AI from the people building it
Architects of Intelligence: The truth about AI from the people building it

Financial Times Best Books of the Year 2018

TechRepublic Top Books Every Techie Should Read

Book Description

How will AI evolve and what major innovations are on the horizon? What will its impact be on the job market, economy, and society? What is the path toward human-level...

Security+ Study Guide, 2nd Edition (SYO-101)
Security+ Study Guide, 2nd Edition (SYO-101)
Here's the book you need to prepare for CompTIA's Security+ exam. This updated edition of the best-selling Security+ Study Guide was developed to meet the exacting requirements of today's certification candidates and aspiring IT security professionals. In addition to the consistent and accessible instructional...
Anywhere Computing with Laptops: Making Mobile Easier (One-Off)
Anywhere Computing with Laptops: Making Mobile Easier (One-Off)
You bought your Centrino laptop computer because of its ease-of-use and portability. But are you using your laptop to its maximum potential? Anywhere Computing with Laptops: Making Mobile Easier will show you what to expect when buying and configuring your laptop and how to use built-in features such as digital...
Fatal Exit: The Automotive Black Box Debate
Fatal Exit: The Automotive Black Box Debate
A compelling argument for automotive technologies that speak for the victim, tell the truth, and could save millions of lives

Fatal Exit: The Automotive Black Box Debate cuts through thirty years of political wrangling and institutional biases to provide an argument for the Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorder (MVEDR). This automotive equivalent...

Solaris 8 System Administrator Exam Cram (Exam: 310-011, 310-012)
Solaris 8 System Administrator Exam Cram (Exam: 310-011, 310-012)
The perfect study companion for UNIX system professionals preparing for both Solaris 8 System Administrator exams. The book contains accurate and efficient coverage of the many new features of the Solaris 8 system including new support for Ipv6, LDAP, and DHCP, installs using Solaris Web Start, new Universal Disk Format (UDF) file system support,...
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