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Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge: Revelations about the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults
Secret Societies: Gardiner's Forbidden Knowledge: Revelations about the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults
This book is a collection of thoughts and researches about secret societies. It is going to take you on many journeys, but whether you arrive or where you arrive will be your decision. I need to make a simple point before you proceed to “bite the apple”: Clear your mind of anything you have been told. I care not...
The Black Death (Great Historic Disasters)
The Black Death (Great Historic Disasters)
In 1346, Europe was hit by the worst natural disaster in its recorded history: the Black Death. Generally believed to be a combination of bubonic plague and two other plague strains, the Black Death ravaged the length and breadth of Europe from Sicily to Norway, from Ireland to Russia, for five terrible years. Scholars can...
Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry: Second Edition (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry: Second Edition (Dover Books on Mathematics)
This book has developed from a one-term course in differential geometry given for juniors, seniors, and graduate students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It presents the fundamental conceptions of the theory of curves and surfaces and applies them to a number of examples. Some care is given to historical, biographical, and...
Investing For Dummies
Investing For Dummies

During the financial crisis of 2008, things got scary. Large Wall Street firms were going under, stock prices were plummeting, and layoffs and unemployment rates were soaring. And, all this was happening in the midst of the 2008 presidential election. Talk of another Great Depression was in the air. In fact, polls showed a majority of...

The Marketing Agency Blueprint: The Handbook for Building Hybrid PR, SEO, Content, Advertising, and Web Firms
The Marketing Agency Blueprint: The Handbook for Building Hybrid PR, SEO, Content, Advertising, and Web Firms

When I started HubSpot in June 2006 with my business partner, Dharmesh Shah, our experiences with marketing agencies led us to almost entirely avoid working with them. In fact, we designed our original business model around selling our marketing software directly to end customers, and developed an internal marketing team that would not be...

My New iPad: A User's Guide (3rd Edition) (My New... (No Starch Press))
My New iPad: A User's Guide (3rd Edition) (My New... (No Starch Press))
There’s an old story about blind men examining an elephant. Based on what they feel, each man concludes that the elephant is something completely different—one man believes the elephant is a tree, another man a snake, the third a wall. When you first share your iPad with your family and...
Feminism: A Reference Handbook
Feminism: A Reference Handbook

This book is intended to provide a gateway into the study of modern feminism, to give an overview of resources on the subject, and to present the modern feminist vision of women’s issues and status. I have focused on what has come to be known as the “second wave” of feminism and on today’s...

Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 9 Edition
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 9 Edition
Warp speed universe. Warp speed financial markets. The 8th Edition of this classic book appeared when it seemed that the millennium and paradise had been achieved and that, like McKay’s tulipomania, the price of stocks would rise forever and men would rush from the world over and pay whatever price was asked for...
Social Location Marketing: Outshining Your Competitors on Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp & Other Location Sharing Sites
Social Location Marketing: Outshining Your Competitors on Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp & Other Location Sharing Sites

Social Location Marketing


Breakthrough social location marketing techniques for promoting your service, product, or venue!


Social Location Marketing offers...

Graphical Models for Machine Learning and Digital Communication (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)
Graphical Models for Machine Learning and Digital Communication (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)

A variety of problems m machine learning and digital communication deal with complex but structured natural or artificial systems. Natural patterns mat we wish to automatically classify' are a consequence of a hierarchical causal physical process. Learning about the world m which we live requires mat we extract useful sensor)'...

Domestic Violence: A Reference Handbook
Domestic Violence: A Reference Handbook

This book is intended to provide comprehensive information about domestic violence; what it is, its causes, the extent of the problem, whom it affects, available services, and possible solutions. To provide the reader with a broad and in-depth view of the issue, domestic violence is explored from historical, social,...

Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations
Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations

The rapid advance of technology has changed and influenced how we think about gathering digital evidence. Soon after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001, many young men and women volunteered to serve their country in different ways. For those who did not choose the military, options included...

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