| | The Black Death (Great Historic Disasters)
In 1346, Europe was hit by the worst natural disaster
in its recorded history: the Black Death. Generally
believed to be a combination of bubonic plague and two
other plague strains, the Black Death ravaged the length and
breadth of Europe from Sicily to Norway, from Ireland to Russia,
for five terrible years. Scholars can... | | |
| | Domestic Violence: A Reference Handbook
This book is intended to provide comprehensive information about domestic violence; what it is, its causes, the extent of the problem, whom it affects, available services, and possible solutions. To provide the reader with a broad and in-depth view of the issue, domestic violence is explored from historical, social,... | | Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations
The rapid advance of technology has changed and influenced how we think about gathering digital
evidence. Soon after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11,
2001, many young men and women volunteered to serve their country in different ways. For those
who did not choose the military, options included... |
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