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Deadly Dermatologic Diseases: Clinicopathologic Atlas and Text
Deadly Dermatologic Diseases: Clinicopathologic Atlas and Text
Dermatology textbooks exist in abundance. They include classics, such as Lever’s Histopathology of the Skin, which have gone through several editions, as well as a burgeoning number of newer titles. They have served practitioners of pathology and dermatology well. However, the diagnosis and treatment of deadly dermatologic...
Intelligent Networks: Recent Approaches and Applications in Medical Systems
Intelligent Networks: Recent Approaches and Applications in Medical Systems

This textbook offers an insightful study of the intelligent Internet-driven revolutionary and fundamental forces at work in society. Readers will have access to tools and techniques to mentor and monitor these forces rather than be driven by changes in Internet technology and flow of money. These submerged social and human forces form a...

MR Imaging in White Matter Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)
MR Imaging in White Matter Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)

In recent decades, the use of neuroimaging techniques has resulted in outstanding progress in the diagnosis and management of neurological diseases, and this is particularly true of those diseases that affect the white matter of the brain and spinal cord. This book, written by internationally acclaimed experts, comprises a series of...

Transients of Modern Power Electronics
Transients of Modern Power Electronics

In high power, high voltage electronics systems, a strategy to manage short timescale energy imbalances is fundamental to the system reliability. Without a theoretical framework, harmful local convergence of energy can affect the dynamic process of transformation, transmission, and storage which create an unreliable system. With an original...

The Flagellar World: Electron Microscopic Images of Bacterial Flagella and Related Surface Structures
The Flagellar World: Electron Microscopic Images of Bacterial Flagella and Related Surface Structures

The Flagellar World is a unique publication. The product of years of research and data collection by the author, this book is a pictorial guide to flagella in a variety of organisms. Each EM image is accompanied by a short description of the system in each organism. These never-before-seen pictures represent a wide variety of flagella,...

Physical Foundations of Continuum Mechanics
Physical Foundations of Continuum Mechanics

Ian Murdoch's Physical Foundations of Continuum Mechanics will interest engineers, mathematicians, and physicists who study the macroscopic behaviour of solids and fluids or engage in molecular dynamical simulations. In contrast to standard works on the subject, Murdoch's book examines physical assumptions implicit in continuum...

Atlas of Liver Pathology (Atlas of Anatomic Pathology)
Atlas of Liver Pathology (Atlas of Anatomic Pathology)

The liver is a complex organ due to its unique microscopic structure, intricate metabolic functions and susceptibility to a wide variety of insults, manifesting in countless histological  patterns.  Atlas of Liver Pathology considers both changes seen in medical liver biopsies as well as lesional biopsies when the specimen...

Inkjet Technology for Digital Fabrication
Inkjet Technology for Digital Fabrication

Whilst inkjet technology is well-established on home and small office desktops and is now having increasing impact in commercial printing, it can also be used to deposit materials other than ink as individual droplets at a microscopic scale. This allows metals, ceramics, polymers and biological materials (including living cells) to be...

The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How.
The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How.

What is the secret of talent? How do we unlock it? In this groundbreaking work, journalist and New York Times bestselling author Daniel Coyle provides parents, teachers, coaches, businesspeople—and everyone else—with tools they can use to maximize potential in themselves and others.

Whether you’re coaching

Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids
Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids

A short introduction to magnetism and magnetic resonance

New applications in the magnetism of matter and magnetic resonance phenomena are major factors in the current technological revolution. The world market for magnetic media and recording equipment is roughly $100 billion a year, and the application of magnetic resonance

The Living Cosmos: Our Search for Life in the Universe
The Living Cosmos: Our Search for Life in the Universe

Astrobiology–the study of life in space–is one of today’s fastest growing and most popular fields of science. In this compelling, accessible, and elegantly reasoned new book, award-winning scholar and researcher Chris Impey explores the foundations of this rapidly developing discipline, where it’s going, and what...

Quantum Field Theory
Quantum Field Theory

Quantum field theory has remained throughout the years one of the most important tools in understanding the microscopic world. The recent years have seen a blossoming of developments and applications which go far beyond the original scope.

Our attempt at presenting a pedagogical survey of this subject arose from lectures given in...

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