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No-Drama Project Management: Avoiding Predictable Problems for Project Success
No-Drama Project Management: Avoiding Predictable Problems for Project Success

No-Drama Project Management: Avoiding Predictable Problems for Project Success is a book for project managers who want or need to be more effective. Having a project crash and burn is never a great situation, author Bart Gerardi explains, but it’s not a career buster—unless the failure appears on the...

The Introverted Presenter: Ten Steps for Preparing and Delivering Successful Presentations
The Introverted Presenter: Ten Steps for Preparing and Delivering Successful Presentations

The introvert is a personality type that draws energy from the outside inward. According to standard personality testing assessments, most people are introverts and no group is more introverted than technical professionals. Introverts are congenitally programmed to recoil from the prospect of public speaking with fear and loathing, yet making...

The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 1.4
The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 1.4

The Sun Certified Java Developer Exam with J2SE 1.4 takes a two-pronged approach, introducing the new features of J2SE 1.4 in the context of projects structured to mirror the Sun Certified Java Developer (SCJD) examination. Upon reading this book, youll master the features of J2SE 1.4 while preparing yourself for the exam.


E-Habits: What You Must Do to Optimize Your Professional Digital Presence
E-Habits: What You Must Do to Optimize Your Professional Digital Presence

What Does the Digital You Look Like?

What you read • Where you shop • How you communicate with coworkers, friends, and strangers • Whom you interact with on social networking sites . . . these are just a few of the things that make up the Digital You.

"The Digital You is a complex mosaic of...

Five-Minute Activities for Business English (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)
Five-Minute Activities for Business English (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)

This comprehensive resource book contains an easy-to-use set of short activities essential for anyone teaching Business English. Reflecting real-life business activities such as emails, noisy telephone conversations, making excuses, negotiating, handling customer complaints and cultural awareness, Five-Minute Activities for Business English...

Gitolite Essentials
Gitolite Essentials

Leverage powerful branch and user access control with Git for your own private collaborative repositories


  • Learn to manage the many repositories and the users accessing these repositories in the Git server
  • Walks you through the most important ideas and concepts in Gitolite supported...
Mounting Optics in Optical Instruments, 2nd Edition (SPIE Press Monograph Vol. PM181)
Mounting Optics in Optical Instruments, 2nd Edition (SPIE Press Monograph Vol. PM181)

Entirely updated to cover the latest technology, this Second Edition gives optical designers and optomechanical engineers a thorough understanding of the principal ways in which optical components--lenses, windows, filters, shells, domes, prisms, and mirrors of all sizes--are mounted in optical instruments.

Along with new...

SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services Blueprints
SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services Blueprints

Use real-world situations to develop real-world solutions


  • Detailed coverage of the various reporting options available
  • Build end-to-end report solutions based on SSRS
  • Learn from realistic situations to offer outstanding solutions


5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry, 2010-2011 Edition (5 Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations Series)
5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry, 2010-2011 Edition (5 Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations Series)

Welcome to the AP Chemistry Five-Step Program. The fact that you are reading this preface suggests that you will be taking the AP exam in chemistry. The AP Chemistry exam is constantly evolving and so this guide has evolved. In this edition, we have updated the book to match the new AP Chemistry exam, especially the changes in the free-response...


I once knew this girl who thought she was God.She didn't give sight to the blind or raise the dead. She didn't even teach anything, not really,and she never told me anything I probably didn't already know. On the other hand,she didn'texpect to be worshipped, nor did she askfor money. Given her high opinion of herself, some...

Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Java Programming 24-Hour Trainer (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice the recent serious decline in the publishing of computer books, to say nothing of computer magazines. I enjoy reading books about software and visit the nearby Barnes and Noble at least twice a month. During the last three years the number of bookcases dedicated to computer books...
Computational Line Geometry (Mathematics and Visualization)
Computational Line Geometry (Mathematics and Visualization)

The geometry of lines occurs naturally in such different areas as sculptured surface machining, computation of offsets and medial axes, surface reconstruction for reverse engineering, geometrical optics, kinematics and motion design, and modeling of developable surfaces. This book covers line geometry from various viewpoints and aims towards...

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