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Applied SAP BI 7.0 Web Reports: Using BEx Web Analyzer and Web Application Designer
Applied SAP BI 7.0 Web Reports: Using BEx Web Analyzer and Web Application Designer

Deliver SAP BI 7.0 Web Reports

Distribute integrated, accurate, and timely data across your enterprise using the Web-based reporting components in SAP BI. Written by an SAP insider, Applied SAP BI 7.0 Web Reports: Using BEx Web Analyzer and Web Application Designer shows you how to construct effective queries, create...

Actor Training
Actor Training

Actor Training expands on Alison Hodge’s highly-acclaimed and best-selling Twentieth Century Actor Training. This exciting second edition radically updates the original book making it even more valuable for any student of the history and practice of actor training. The bibliography is brought right up to date and many...

Reformation: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
Reformation: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)

The Reformation was a seismic event in European history, one which left an indelible mark on the modern world. In this Very Short Introduction, Peter Marshall illuminates the causes and consequences of this pivotal movement in western Christianity. The Reformation began as an argument about what Christians needed to do to be saved, but...

Modeling and Characterization of RF and Microwave Power FETs
Modeling and Characterization of RF and Microwave Power FETs

This is a book about the compact modeling of RF power FETs. In it, you will find descriptions of characterization and measurement techniques, analysis methods, and the simulator implementation, model verification and validation procedures that are needed to produce a transistor model that can be used with confidence by the circuit designer....

Guarantee of Peace: The League of Nations in British Policy 1914-1925
Guarantee of Peace: The League of Nations in British Policy 1914-1925

Peter Yearwood reconsiders the League of Nations, not as an attempt to realize an idea but as an element in the day-to-day conduct of Britain's foreign policy and domestic politics during the period 1914-25.

He challenges the usual view that London reluctantly adopted the idea in response to pressure from Woodrow Wilson

Communications Satellites: Global Change Agents (Telecommunications Series)
Communications Satellites: Global Change Agents (Telecommunications Series)

Over the past 40 years, satellites have played a key role in creating a global culture, spreading worldwide entertainment, stimulating technological interchange, and promoting trade around the world. Communications Satellites: Global Change Agents addresses communications satellites not only in terms of the technology and the services...

Enterprise 2.0
Enterprise 2.0

The notion that the corporation is changing fundamentally has been around for decades – dating back to Peter Drucker’s seminal work in the 1980s on ‘The New Organization’. In 1992, I discussed what I called ‘The New Enterprise’ in my book Paradigm Shift, saying ‘the corporation of old simply...

Machinery's Handbook 28th Larger Print Edition (Machinery's Handbook)
Machinery's Handbook 28th Larger Print Edition (Machinery's Handbook)

Celebrating nearly 100 years as The Bible of the Mechanical Industries , the 28th edition brings together volumes of knowledge, information and data gathered, revised and improved upon from experts throughout the mechanical industries. Extraordinarily comprehensive yet easy to use since it premiered, Machinery s Handbook provides mechanical...

Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters
Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters

Ten years after the school massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado, school shootings are a new and alarming epidemic. While sociologists have attributed the trigger of violence to peer pressure, such as bullying and social isolation, prominent...

The Smell Of Kerosene: A Test Pilot's Odyssey
The Smell Of Kerosene: A Test Pilot's Odyssey

The Smell of Kerosene tells the dramatic story of a NASA research pilot who logged over 11,000 flight hours in more than 125 types of aircraft. Donald Mallick gives the reader fascinating first- hand descriptions of his early naval flight training, carrier operations, and his research flying career with NASA and its predecessor agency, the...

Mathematics for the Curious
Mathematics for the Curious

When do the hands of a clock coincide? How likely is it that two children in the same class will share a birthday? How do we calculate the volume of a doughnut? Mathematics for the Curious provides anyone interested in mathematics with a simple and entertaining account of what it can do.

Author Peter Higgins gives clear...

Network Programming in Windows NT
Network Programming in Windows NT

Sinha explains the use of Windows and Windows NT inter-process communication methods to build applications which can communicate with their counterparts over the network. This book explores the challenges that developers face when they are developing network-aware or client/server programs within the Windows and Windows NT operating systems.

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