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Software Testing (2nd Edition)
Software Testing (2nd Edition)
Software Testing is the book for new or aspiring software testers interested in learning about this crucial part of the software development process. The complexity and size of today's software makes writing bug-free code extremely difficult, even for highly experienced programmers. Couple that with our increasing reliance on software for...
The Design of Things to Come: How Ordinary People Create Extraordinary Products
The Design of Things to Come: How Ordinary People Create Extraordinary Products
Everyone is talking and writing about innovation. It is the fuel of business strategy. Design and innovation are words that are often used together or interchangeably. Design for us is both a broad concept of change through human problem solving and a word used to describe specific fields such as engineering design, interface design, or industrial...
Pro EDI in BizTalk Server 2006 R2: Electronic Document Interchange Solutions
Pro EDI in BizTalk Server 2006 R2: Electronic Document Interchange Solutions
The EDI capabilities of BizTalk Server 2006 R2 are a new implementation of an old technology. EDI originated in the 1970s to facilitate the delivery of data between businesses. Rather than diminishing in scope, however, EDI continues to play a major role in commerce today. Because of this, an extensive engine has been added to BizTalk Server to...
Computer Science Illuminated
Computer Science Illuminated

Each new print copy includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access that unlocks a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources, and learning analytics reporting tools.

Fully revised and updated, the Sixth Edition of the best-selling text Computer Science

Google Analytics 2.0
Google Analytics 2.0

Site Stats on Steroids

Is your Web site serving its purpose? To find out, you need to analyze factors related to what the site is supposed to do. Site statistics give you raw numbers, but Web analytics are like site stats on steroids. Analytics crunch those raw numbers into meaningful metrics—information you...

Financial and Managerial Accounting
Financial and Managerial Accounting
Why This Book? This textbook contains features to help you learn best, whatever your learning style. To understand what your learning style is, spend about 10 minutes to take the learning style quiz at the book’s companion website. Then, look at page xiii for how you can apply an understanding of your learning style...
Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide
Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide

An updated guide to the essential discipline of financial statement analysis In Financial Statement Analysis, Fourth Edition, leading investment authority Martin Fridson returns with Fernando Alvarez to provide the analytical framework you need to scrutinize financial statements, whether you're evaluating a company's stock price or...

Beginning SQL Server R Services: Analytics for Data Scientists
Beginning SQL Server R Services: Analytics for Data Scientists

Learn how to develop powerful data analytics applications quickly for SQL Server database administrators and developers. Organizations will be able to sift data and derive the business intelligence needed to drive business decisions and profit. The addition of R to SQL Server 2016 places a powerful analytical processor into an...

Hack Attacks Testing: How to Conduct Your Own Security Audit
Hack Attacks Testing: How to Conduct Your Own Security Audit
Learn how to conduct thorough security examinations via illustrations and virtual simulations

A network security breach (a hack, crack, or other invasion) occurs when unauthorized access to the network is achieved and havoc results. The best possible defense is an offensive strategy that allows you to regularly test your network to reveal the...

Moodle 1.9 for Design and Technology
Moodle 1.9 for Design and Technology

Educators use the Moodle web application to create effective online learning sites. Creating such learning environments that suit Design and Technology subjects requires understanding and implementation of both basic and advanced Moodle features.

This book takes a detailed look at Moodle features with examples of how to fully...

Practical Goal Programming (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
Practical Goal Programming (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)

The setting and attainment of goals is a fundamental aspect of human decision making, which is manifest in the modern discipline of operational research by the technique of goal programming. Influences from the fields of mathematical programming and multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) can be found in goal programming, and it is...

Auditing Cloud Computing: A Security and Privacy Guide
Auditing Cloud Computing: A Security and Privacy Guide

The auditor's guide to ensuring correct security and privacy practices in a cloud computing environment

Many organizations are reporting or projecting a significant cost savings through the use of cloud computing—utilizing shared computing resources to provide ubiquitous access for organizations and end users. Just...

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