| | Extraordinary Comebacks: 201 Inspiring Stories of Courage, Triumph and Success
The human spirit is among the most powerful and resilient forces on the planet, and the stories of these incredible people prove that, with commitment and perseverance, you can do anything! From daunting physical challenges to spiritual crises to utter poverty, these success stories of people young and old, rich and poor, famous and... | | Ultimate Journey
In 1958, a successful businessman named Robert Mornroe began to have experiences that drastically altered his life. Unpredictably, and without his willing it, Monroe found himself leaving his physical body to travel via a "second body" to locales far removed from the physical and spiritual realities of his life. He was... |
| | Alchemy and Psychotherapy: Post-Jungian Perspectives
Alchemical symbols are part of popular culture, most recently popularised in the Harry Potter books. Alchemy intrigued Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology. It inspired him as he wrote ‘the Red Book’ - the journal of his voyage of internal discovery. He devoted much of his life to it, using alchemical symbols as... | | Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment
Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment has for many years been considered a
classic textbook, indispensable to those involved in the care of patients with inborn errors of
metabolism, including paediatricians, clinical biochemists, neurologists, specialists in internal
medicine, geneticists, dietitians, nurses and... |
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