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Supply Chain Optimization, Design, and Management: Advances and Intelligent Methods (Premier Reference Source)
Supply Chain Optimization, Design, and Management: Advances and Intelligent Methods (Premier Reference Source)
The supply chain of both manufacturing and commercial enterprises comprises a highly distributed environment, in which complex processes evolve in a network of companies (see Figure 1). Such processes include materials procurement and storage, production of intermediate and final products, warehousing, sales, customer service, and...
The Golden Rule: Safe Strategies of Sage Investors
The Golden Rule: Safe Strategies of Sage Investors

Everything the independent investor needs to know to effectively invest in gold

With today's increasing economic uncertainties, a strong investment strategy is to put a portion of your net worth in gold. However, given investors' overall lack of knowledge about gold as an investment, as wealth insurance, or as a store of...

Quantitative Assessment of Securitisation Deals (SpringerBriefs in Finance)
Quantitative Assessment of Securitisation Deals (SpringerBriefs in Finance)
Securitisation deals have come to the fore during recent years owing to the challenges involved in their assessment and their role in the recent credit crises. These deals are created by the pooling of assets and the tranching of liabilities. The latter is backed by collateral pools. Tranching makes it possible to create liabilities...
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information

A thorough definition of the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and quantum information and their interrelations. 

Alongside a thorough definition of the basic concepts and their interrelations, backed by numerous examples, this textbook features a rare discussion of the quantum information theory. It also

Discrete Control Systems
Discrete Control Systems

Discrete Control Systems establishes a basis for the analysis and design of discretized/quantized control systems for continuous physical systems. Beginning with the necessary mathematical foundations and system-model descriptions, the text moves on to derive a robust stability condition. To keep a practical perspective on the uncertain...

Filtering, Control and Fault Detection with Randomly Occurring Incomplete Information
Filtering, Control and Fault Detection with Randomly Occurring Incomplete Information

In the context of systems and control, incomplete information refers to a dynamical system in which knowledge about the system states is limited due to the difficulties in modelling complexity in a quantitative way. The well-known types of incomplete information include parameter uncertainties and norm-bounded nonlinearities. Recently, in...

Radiation Oncology: A Physicist's-Eye View (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering)
Radiation Oncology: A Physicist's-Eye View (Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering)

The papers collected in this hugely useful volume cover the principle physical and biological aspects of radiation therapy and in addition, address practical clinical considerations in the planning and delivering of that therapy. The importance of the assessment of uncertainties is emphasized. Topics include an overview of the physics of the...

Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)
Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)
Robotic welding systems have been used in different types of manufacturing. They can provide several benefits in welding applications. The most prominent advantages of robotic welding are precision and productivity. Another benefit is that labor costs can be reduced. Robotic welding also reduces risk by moving the human...
Reliability-Based Design in Geotechnical Engineering: Computations and Applications
Reliability-Based Design in Geotechnical Engineering: Computations and Applications

Reliability-based design is the only engineering methodology currently available which can ensure self-consistency in both physical and probabilistic terms.  It is also uniquely compatible with the theoretical basis underlying other disciplines such as structural design. It is especially relevant as geotechnical design becomes subject to...

Scalable Fuzzy Algorithms for Data Management and Analysis: Methods and Design
Scalable Fuzzy Algorithms for Data Management and Analysis: Methods and Design
Today, fuzzy methods are of common use as they provide tools to handle data sets in a relevant, robust, and interpretable way, making it possible to cope with both imprecision and uncertainties. Scalable Fuzzy Algorithms for Data Management and Analysis: Methods and Design presents up-to-date techniques for addressing data...
Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks: Parameter Estimation, Peformance Benchmarks, and Protocols
Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks: Parameter Estimation, Peformance Benchmarks, and Protocols

The clock or time synchronization problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) requires a procedure for providing a common notion of time across the nodes of WSNs. In general, clock synchronization is viewed as a critical factor in maintaining the good functioning of WSNs due mainly to their decentralized organization and timing uncertainties...

High-Level Data Fusion
High-Level Data Fusion
Master cutting-edge Level 2 fusion techniques that help you develop powerful situation assessment services with eye-popping capabilities and performance with this trail-blazing resource. The book explores object and situation fusion processes with an appropriate handling of uncertainties, and applies cutting-edge artificial intelligence and...
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