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Basic English Grammar: For English Language Learners: Book 1

Grammar is a very old field of study. Did you know that the sentence was first divided into subject and verb by Plato, the famed philosopher from ancient Greece? That was about 2,400 years ago! Ever since then, students all over the world have found it worthwhile to study the structure of words and sentences. Why? Because skill in speaking and writing is the hallmark of all educated people.

Lesson by lesson, this book provides basic instruction in the eight parts of speech—nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections—as well as the standard patterns of English sentences.

All students of English, be they native speakers or those who are studying English as a second language, will profit from the fundamental introduction and review of grammar provided by SADDLEBACK’S BASIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR 1 and 2. Helpful marginal notes throughout the books have been provided to reinforce existing skills and call attention to common problem areas.

We wish you every success in your pursuit of English proficiency.

Topics include: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs & tenses, subject/verb agreement, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, sentences, punctuation. Recommended for grades 3 to 6.

This two-book series was written specifically for English language learners and covers all the basic grammar topics for beginners. Contains clear and concise explanations of the rules and illustrates them with numerous examples. The Did You Know? and Grammar Help notes add further to the understanding of basic grammar. These books will give English language learners a clear understanding of core grammar skills and help lay a strong foundation for good English. Each book includes 150-pages plus of grammar examples and instruction. Teachers Resource Guides (32-pages each), available on CD. Full of English grammar activities in a reproducible format, that builds a solid foundation in grammar for English language learners. Books also have systematic guidance that helps to build essential grammar skills step-by-step

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