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Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction

To the best of our knowledge this textbook is unique in its scope and approach. It provides a broad and in-depth introduction to the main principles and abstractions for engineering computer systems, be it an operating system, a client/service application, a database system, a secure Web site, or a fault-tolerant disk cluster. These principles and abstractions are timeless and are of value to any student or professional reader, whether or not specializing in computer systems. The principles and abstractions derive from insights that have proven to work over generations of computer systems, the authors’ own experience with building computer systems, and teaching about them for several decades.

The book teaches a broad set of principles and abstractions, yet it explores them in depth. It captures the core of a concept using pseudocode so that readers can test their understanding of a concrete instance of the concept. Using pseudocode, the book carefully documents the essence of client/service computing, remote procedure calls, files, threads, address spaces, best-effort networks, atomicity, authenticated messages, and so on. This approach continues in the problem sets, where readers can explore the design of a wide range of systems by studying their pseudocode.
Novel 3D Media Technologies
Novel 3D Media Technologies

This book describes recent innovations in 3D media and technologies, with coverage of 3D media capturing, processing, encoding, and adaptation, networking aspects for 3D Media, and quality of user experience (QoE). The contributions are based on the results of the FP7 European Project ROMEO, which focuses on new methods for the compression...

Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States(Ninth Edition)
Porth's Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States(Ninth Edition)

Succeed in your pathophysiology text with this 9th edition of Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. Captivating and easy-to understand, this proven book provides comprehensive, nursing-focused coverage designed to help you grasp both the physical and psychological aspects of...

Mike Meyers' A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs Lab Manual, Second Edition
Mike Meyers' A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs Lab Manual, Second Edition
Practice the IT Skills Essential for Your Success

  • 60+ lab exercises challenge you to solve problems based on realistic case studies
  • Step-by-step scenarios require you to think critically
  • Lab analysis tests measure your understanding of lab results...

Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: 6th International Conference, FORMATS 2008, Saint Malo, France, September 15-17, 2008, Proceedings
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: 6th International Conference, FORMATS 2008, Saint Malo, France, September 15-17, 2008, Proceedings
This volume consists of the proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2008). The main goal of this series of conferences is to bring together diverse communities of researchers that deal with the timing aspects of computing systems. Both fundamental and practical aspects of timed...
Real-Time Video Compression (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Real-Time Video Compression (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Real-Time Video Compression: Techniques and Algorithms introduces the XYZ video compression technique, which operates in three dimensions, eliminating the overhead of motion estimation. First, video compression standards, MPEG and H.261/H.263, are described. They both use asymmetric compression algorithms, based on motion estimation. Their...
The Visual Story: Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV and Digital Media
The Visual Story: Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV and Digital Media

If you can't make it to one of Bruce Block's legendary visual storytelling seminars, then you need his book! Now in full color for the first time, this best-seller offers a clear view of the relationship between the story/script structure and the visual structure of a film, video, animated piece, or video game. You'll learn how to...

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