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How to Do Everything MacBook

How to Do Everything MacBook, 9780071742535 (0071742530), McGraw-Hill, 2010

Easy-to-follow coverage of portable Macs, including the MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air

How to Do Everything: MacBook strongly emphasizes the portability and other unique features of the laptop versions of the Mac, examining ports and jacks, discussing user accounts and privacy, managing multiple network connections, using MobileMe to stay synched, etc. It also explores the activities laptop users most often perform, such as productivity, entertainment, and communication.

Tasks and activities are broken down into simple-to-follow directions and highlighted with clear graphics to make everything easy to understand. Tips and tricks for getting the most out of the latest versions of the built-in software, including the new versions of iLife and iWork are also included. As a travel writer, the author understands the needs of mobile computer users. She covers battery management and power, connectivity, working online, using VoIP, and maintaining and troubleshooting the MacBook.

How to Do Everything: MacBook

  • Draws on author’s personal experience as a writer who travels, providing tips and tricks for getting the best out of the MacBook on the road
  • Contains accurate and up-to-date product information on latest versions of Mac OS X and iWork/iLife applications
  • Explains the differences between the MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air

Complete MacBook coverage:
The Wonderful World of MacBook; Taming the MacBook: Trackpad, Keyboard, Mouse and More; Power Struggle: Battery and Power Management; Ports and Jacks: Where They Are and What They Do; Trading Spaces: Getting your Desktop Organized; Hide and Seek: Navigating your MacBook; A Home of One's Own: User Accounts; Personal Style: Customizing your MacBook; Surf's Up: Connecting to the Web; Staying in Touch: eMail, Chatting, Video and More; Discovering MobileMe; Anything Windows Can Do, Mac Can Do Better: Running Windows Programs; But Wait! There's More: MacBook Application Basics; Your Virtual Office: iWork for Productivity and Office Software; Creative Spaces: iLife for Photos, Movies, Music and Websites; Leisure Time: Games, Music and Movies; Under the Hood: Tune Ups and Basic Maintenance; Troubleshooting Your MacBook

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