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Introduction To Data Networks, Pdn, Lan, Man, Wan, And Wireless Data, Technologies And Systems


This book explains the different types of data networks, how the key types of data networks operate, and the different types of data services they provide. Data networks have become a fundamental part of almost all communication networks. Data networks are telecommunications networks that are installed and operated for information exchange between data communication devices such as computers and voice gateways. Because of the dramatic changes that have occurred to the capabilities of data networks, such as high-speed data and evolving Ethernet technology, almost all professionals in the datacom and telephone industries have been impacted. These new data networking products and services that are being introduced into the marketplace have advanced features and services that will enhance or replace ineffective or outdated systems.

This book provides a functional description of the key data network parts including hubs, routers, bridges and gateways. It explains the different types of Ethernet systems ranging from 10 BaseT to 10 Gigabit Ethernet (10 GE). Described are the different types of data network ranging from very short range (tens of feet) personal area networks (PANs) to wide geographic area (thousands of miles) networks (WANs) and their characteristics and capabilities. It explains how the industry has developed the simple network management protocol (SNMP) to control almost all aspects of data networks. You will learn how networks have been designed (such as the Internet) to automatically recover after equipment failures are lost (disconnected) communication paths. The operation of firewalls is included to allow the reader to gain an understanding of how firewalls operate to protect networks from the unwanted transmission of information.

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