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Java and SOAP

Java and SOAP, 9780596001759 (0596001754), O'Reilly, 2002
Java™ and SOAP provides Java developers with an in-depth look at SOAP (the Simple
Object Access Protocol). Of course, it covers the basics: what SOAP is, why it's soared to
a spot on the Buzzwords' Top Ten list, and what its features and capabilities are. And it shows
you how to work with some of the more common Java APIs in the SOAP world: Apache

Java™ and SOAP also discusses interoperability between the major SOAP platforms,
including Microsoft's .NET, SOAP messaging, SOAP attachments, message routing, and
a preview of the forthcoming AXIS APIs and server. If you're a Java developer who would
like to start working with SOAP, this is the book you need to get going.

This book is for everyone interested in how to access SOAP-based web services in Java, as
well as how to build SOAP-based services in Java. It's written for programmers, students,
and professionals who are already familiar with Java, so it doesn't spend any time covering
the basic concepts or syntax of the language. If you aren't familiar with Java, you may want to
keep a copy of a Java language book, like O'Reilly's Learning Java or Java in a Nutshell,
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