Linux Phrasebook
is sure to become the pocket guide that you keep within reach at all times. This concise, handy reference can be used "in the street," just like a language phrasebook. Skipping the usual tutorial on Linux, the Linux Phrasebook goes straight to practical Linux uses, providing immediate applicable solutions for day-to-day tasks. It includes code phrases that allow Linux users to employ the command line to complete onerous and repetitive tasks, as well as flexible code and commands can be customized to meet the needs of any Linux user. The concise information combined with random accessibility makes the Linux Phrasebook a robust, yet agile, reference guide that no Linux user should be without.
About author
Scott Granneman is an author, educator, and consultant. As a writer, he focuses on open source software, as shown by his first two books, Don't Click on the Blue E!: Switching to Firefox and Hacking Knoppix, and his contributions to Ubuntu Hacks. In addition, he is a monthly columnist for SecurityFocus, with op/ed pieces that focus on general security topics, and for Linux Magazine, in a column focusing on new and interesting Linux software, and he blogs professionally on The Open Source Weblog.
An Adjunct Professor at Washington University in St. Louis, Scott teaches a variety of courses about technology and the Internet. As an educator, he has taught thousands of people of all agesfrom preteens to senior citizenson a wide variety of topics, including literature, education, and technology. With the shift in focus over the last decade to Linux and other open-source technologies, Scott has worked to bring knowledge of these powerful new directions in software to people at all technical skill levels.
As a Principal of WebSanity, a website creation and hosting firm, he works with businesses and nonprofits to leverage the Internet's communication, sales, and service opportunities. He manages the firm's Unix-based server environment, thereby putting what he writes and teaches into practical use, and works closely with other partners and developers on the underlying WebSanity Content Management System (CMS) software and its extensions.