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Mastering Digital Color: A Photographer's and Artist's Guide to Controlling Color (Digital Process and Print)

The digital age of art has made it easier than ever for an artist to change what his work will look like when complete. Subtle changes in color composition can be made many times to achieve an ideal image. However, masterful color management is about more than knowing how to use the tools offered by your image editor. It's about understanding how to visualize your final image before you begin editing it - seeing your image as you want others to see it. Mastering Digital Color is designed to help you master the skills needed to realize your vision, using color management tools available in the digital world. It presents techniques of practicality and results. By focusing on the practical aspects of color management, this fullcolor book enables you to more clearly visualize the connections between concept and result, bringing the art that you have envisioned to life.

The digital color revolution, although barely ten years old, has enabled photographers and artists all over the world to create and produce their work in a way that has never been available to them. "Mastering Digital Color" fills the void in the market for a complete and accurate guide covering digital color by providing information on digital color control for imaging, photography, digital photography, and computer graphics. Targeting artists (photographers, traditional and digital artists), printmakers, art marketers, industry suppliers, art and trade organizations, art schools and training workshops, "Mastering Digital Color" combines a thorough introduction to this new process, instruction in the latest workflows, and information on the state of the art in this new medium.

About the Author

David Saffir is a nationally-recognized portrait, commercial, and fine art photographer and printmaker, living in the Santa Clarita Valley, California.

Formerly a resident of Santa Barbara, California and New England, David has had a lifelong interest in photography, and particularly the world of nature. He also writes on a number of subjects, and has authored articles on color management, digital capture, and large-format digital printmaking.

Now, David works extensively in portrait and commercial photography. He works primarily with the Hasselblad H1, using Phase One digital camera backs. He also uses Nikon and Canon DSLRs.

He is also an accomplished digital printmaker. He finishes all of his work, and makes limited edition prints for other artists and photographers. He uses HP and Epson professional inkjet products. He teaches workshops in digital printing, including the Clear Focus Studios seminar sessions scheduled in a number of US cities during 2006.

He has also written numerous nationally-published articles on digital image capture, color management, printing software, and digital printing. Most recently he taught web seminars for the Professional Digital Imaging Association on digital capture, color control, and printing. He was a conference-level speaker at WPPI and other venues during 2006. His images have won awards in a variety of print competitions, and they have appeared in a number of publications.

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