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Mastering Mac OS X, Third Edition

Mastering Mac OS X, Third Edition, 9780782142839 (0782142834), Sybex, 2003
Covers OS X v.10.3, Panther!

On the Prowl for In-Depth, Step-by-Step, Mac OS X Coverage? Your Search Is Over

Whether you're new to the Mac, upgrading from a previous Mac OS version, or converting from Windows or Unix, Mastering Mac OS X, Third Edition is your one-stop resource for Apple's powerhouse operating system. Filled with detailed explanations, step-by-step instructions, and thorough examples for newbies and old-timers alike, this book answers all your questions and shows you how to take advantage of every aspect of Mac OS X. Expert authors Stauffer and McElhearn divulge their Mac OS X troubleshooting and problem-solving know-how. Over 900 pages of coverage includes:

  • Personalizing Mac OS X: Dock, Desktop, and Finder
  • Using the latest features including iChat AV, FontBook, FileVault and Exposé
  • Encrypting data, storing passwords, and using built-in applications
  • Connecting to, troubleshooting, and securing your Internet connection
  • Using, automating, and securing e-mail from viruses
  • Using QuickTime 6, QuickTime Pro, and iMovie to play, edit, and export movie files
  • Burning audio and data CDs and playing MP3s, Internet radio, and DVD movies
  • Importing, exporting, and editing digital images using iPhoto
  • Building a secure network and sharing files locally and over the Internet
  • Using Windows and Unix documents, networking protocols, and applications
  • Working with Terminal and Darwin command lines and Darwin applications
  • Backing up and recovering data, managing your disks and peripherals
  • Configuring and tweaking Apache, FTP serving, PHP, and MySQL
  • Quickly diagnosing and solving common system-level problems
  • Troubleshooting Classic and native applications
About the Author

Todd Stauffer
is the author or co-author of over 25 books covering topics such as Web publishing, upgrading Macintoshes, and using the iMac. He's a contributor to MacAddict and a writer for a number of other publications, a humor columnist, car reviewer, speaker and the publisher of a news and entertainment magazine.

Kirk McElhearn is a freelance writer, journalist and translator. He has written user manuals for many popular Macintosh programs, and articles for publications including MacWorld magazine and TidBITS. He is also a translator for leading computer and telecommunications companies. A native New Yorker, Kirk currently lives in the French Alps.

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