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Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus and Heart (IARC WHO Classification of Tumours)


This book is an authoritative, concise reference on the histological and genetic typing of tumors of the lung, pleura, thymus and heart. Prepared by 200 authors from 25 countries, it contains more than 670 color photographs, numerous MRIs, ultrasound images, CT scans, charts and approximately 2200 references. Diagnostic criteria, pathological features and associated genetic alterations are described in a strictly disease-oriented manner. Sections on all recognized neoplasms and their variants include new ICD-O codes, incidence, age and sex distribution, location, clinical signs and symptoms, pathology, genetics and predictive factors.

This book is in the series commonly referred to as the "Blue Book" series.
Pathology and Genetics of Tumors of the Lung, Pleura, Thymus and Heart

Contributors:Dr. Seena Aisner, Dr. Philip A. Araoz,
Dr. Hisao Asamura, Dr. Marie-Christine Aubry, Dr. P.M. Banks, Dr. Mattia Barbareschi, Dr. Helmut Bartsch, Dr. Craig T. Basson, Dr. Audrey S. Baur, Dr. Mary Beth Beasley, Dr. Paolo Boffetta, Dr. Carsten Bokemeyer, Dr. Félix Bonilla, Dr. Michael Borowitz, Dr. Christian Brambilla, Dr. Elizabeth Brambilla, Dr. Allen Burke, Dr. Louise M. Burke, Dr. Jagdish W. Butany, Dr. Philip T. Cagle, Dr. Federico Caligaris-Cappio, Dr. Vera Luiza Capelozzi, Dr. Neil Caporaso, Dr. Frédérique Capron, Dr. J.A. Carney, Dr. Lina Carvalho, Dr. Alexander C.L. Chan, Dr. John K.C. Chan, Dr. Gang Chen, Dr. Roberto Chiarle, Dr. Prem Chopra, Dr. Andrew Churg, Dr. Thomas V. Colby, Dr. Bryan Corrin, Dr. David H. Dail, Dr. Daphne De Jong, Dr. Vincent T. De Montpreville, Dr. Louis P. Dehner, Dr. Mojgan, Devouassouxshisheboran, Dr. T. Dijkhuizen, Dr. Elizabeth Dulmet, Dr. Alberto Edwards, Dr. Tadaaki Eimoto, Dr. Dina El-Demellawy, Dr. Peter Engel, Dr. Emilio Alvarez Fernandez, Dr. Sydney D. Finkelstein, Dr. Jonathan A. Fletcher, Dr. Douglas B. Flieder, Dr. Armando E. Fraire, Dr. Wilbur A. Franklin, Dr. Teri J. Franks, Dr. Christopher A. French, Dr. Takeshi Fujii, Dr. Masashi Fukayama, Dr. Anthony Gal, Dr. Françoise Galateau-Salle, Dr. Jeffrey Galvin, Dr. Philippe Gaulard, Dr. Adi F. Gazdar, Dr. Kim Geisinger, Dr. Tal Geva, Dr. Allen R. Gibbs, Dr. Ulrich Göbel, Dr. José Javier Gomez-Roman, Dr. John R. Gosney, Dr. Daniel Grandmougin, Dr. Thomas Grogan, Dr. Donald G. Guinee, Dr. Pierre Hainaut, Dr. Samuel P. Hammar, Dr. Samir M. Hanash, Dr. Curtis C. Harris, Dr. Nancy Lee Harris, Dr. J.T. Hartmann, Dr. Philip S. Hasleton, Dr. Aage Haugen, Dr. Douglas W. Henderson, Dr. Kristin Henry, Dr. Claudia I. Henschke, Dr. Elizabeth P. Henske, Dr. Hiroaki Hiraga, Dr. Fred R. Hirsch, Dr. Tsunekazu Hishima, Dr. Masashi Horimoto, Dr. Hiroshi Inagaki, Dr. Kouki Inai, Dr. Masayoshi Inoue, Dr. Elaine S. Jaffe, Dr. Nirmala A. Jambhekar, Dr. Jin Jen, Dr. S.X. Jiang, Dr. Hiroyuki Kamiya, Dr. Toshiaki Kawai, Dr. Keith M. Kerr, Dr. Andras Khoor, Dr. Hitoshi Kitamura, Dr. Paul Kleihues, Dr. Michael N. Koss, Dr. Tseng-Tong Kuo, Dr. Michael O. Kurrer, Dr. R. Hubert Laeng, Dr. Stephen Lam, Dr. Sylvie Lantuejoul, Dr. Kevin Leslie, Dr. Emilio Maiers, Dr. Toshiaki Manabe, Dr. Alberto M. Marchevsky, Dr. Mirella Marino, Dr. Alexander Marx, Dr. Yoshihiro Matsuno, Dr. Frank Mayer, Dr. Fabio Menestrina, Dr. Matthew Meyerson, Dr. Markku Miettinen, Dr. Thierry J. Molina, Dr. Peter Möller, Dr. Cesar Moran, Dr. Kiyoshi Mukai, Dr. Klaus-Michael Müller, Dr. H. Konrad Müller-Hermelink, Dr. Shigeo Nakamura, Dr. Yukio Nakatani, Dr. Oscar Nappi, Dr. Andrew G. Nicholson, Dr. Siobhan Nicholson, Dr. Seiji Niho, Dr. Masayuki Noguchi, Dr. N. Paul Ohori, Dr. Attilio Orazi, Dr.Nelson G. Ordonez, Dr. Giorgio Palestro, Dr. D. Maxwell Parkin, Dr. Chandrakant R. Patel, Dr. Elizabeth J. Perlman, Dr. Iver Petersen, Dr. Nicolai Petrovitchev, Dr. Stefano A. Pileri, Dr. Helmut Popper, Dr. Marlene Praet, Dr. Robert Pugatch, Dr. D.J. Radford, Dr. Ramón Rami-Porta, Dr. Angela Risch, Dr. Victor Roggli, Dr. Giovanni Rolla, Dr. Juan Rosai, Dr. Andreas Rosenwald, Dr. Giulio Rossi, Dr. Thomas Rüdiger, Dr. Valerie Rusch, Dr. Jonathan M. Samet, Dr. Rodolfo Saracci, Dr. Dominik T. Schneider, Dr Shehata, Dr. Mary N. Sheppard, Dr. Peter G. Shields, Dr. Yukio Shimosato, Dr. Ivy Sng, Dr. Leslie H. Sobin, Dr. Gabriella Sozzi, Dr. Philipp Ströbel, Dr. Saul Suster, Dr. Takashi Takahashi Dr. Hisashi Tateyama, Dr. Henry Tazelaar, Dr. Joseph R. Testa, Dr. Françoise Thivolet-Bejui, Dr. F.B. Thunnissen, Dr. Joseph F. Tomashefski, Jr., Dr. Marketa Tomsova, Dr. G. Tornambene, Dr. William D. Travis, Dr. S. Tsukamoto, Dr. Jerzy E. Tyczynski, Dr. James W. Vardiman, Dr. Madeline F. Vazquez, Dr. John P. Veinot, Dr. Jean-Michel Vignaud, Dr. Paolo Vineis, Dr. Renu Virmani, Dr. Peter Vogt, Dr. Paul Walter, Dr. R.A. Warnke, Dr. Go Watanabe, Dr. Hans Weill, Dr. William H. Westra, Dr. Mark R. Wick, Dr. Ignacio I. Wistuba, Dr. Eunhee S. Yi, Dr. Tomoyuki Yokose, Dr. Satoshi Yoneda, Dr. Samuel A. Yousem, Dr. Andreas Zettl, Dr. Paul J. Zhang, Dr. Robert Loire, Dr. Akira Masaoka.


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